
D7A1X 型中线对夹蝶阀(对夹式中线蝶阀) Wafer Type Butterfly



结构简单、小巧轻便,运输、安装、拆卸容易;90°启闭,开关迅速。操作扭矩小,省力轻巧; 密封性能好,使用寿命长,可达到零泄漏; 选择不同的零部件材质,可适用于多种介质; 流量特性近似于直线,调节性能好。

A butterfly valve consists of body ,stem ,disc , actuator (manual actuator, worm-gear actuator , aerodynamic actuator or electric actuator) , and wafer type butterfly valve can implement the proc ess for turning on turning off and regulating the flow by the circumrotation of stem and disc that i s droved by actuators.

1.Simple and compact construction. Small in size and light in weight. Easy transportation , installati on and maintenance.

2. Quick 90 degrees on-off operation. Minimized operating torque ,energy saving. 3. Excellent sealing performance with no leakage. Long service life. 4. Wide selection of materials ,applicable for various media..

5. Flow curve tending to straight line. Excellent regulation performance.

中线蝶阀主要零部件材质 Main Spare Material Quality

注: 1、DN50~DN800蝶阀分别适用于PN1.0/PN1.6MPa两种压力级,表中每规格中有两个尺寸的分别表示PN1.0MPa 和PN1. 6MPa 两种压力级连接尺寸。蝶阀上法兰可通用于手动、蜗轮蜗杆传动、电动、气动等。表中D1及n-Ø尺寸为蝶阀安装定位尺寸,包容国标(GB )、国际标准(ISO )、德标(DIN )、英标(BS )等法兰连接标准。

2、D1及n-Ø尺寸可按国标(GB )、国际标准(ISO )、美标(ANSI )、德标(DIN )、英标(BS )、日标(JIS )加工生产。E 及n1-Ø1尺寸可按GB/T 12223及ISO 5211标准加工生产。

Note: 1、DN50~DN800 Butterfly valves are suitable for the pressure of PN1.0 and PN1.6MPa grade separately. Two dimensions in one size show the connection dimensions of PN1.0/PN1.6MPa pressure grade. The upper fla nges of the valves are suitable all types of valves fitted with electric, worm gear, manual, pneumatic and actu ators. The dimensions D1 and n-Ø are listed in above table show the installation dimensions of butterfly valve. It contains China Standard (GB), International Standard (ISO), Germany Standard (DIN), and England Standa rd (BS) of flange connection standard, etc.

2、The dimensions of D1 and n-Ø ones are manufactured according to China Standard (GB), International Stan dard (ISO), American Standard (ANSI), Germany Standard (DIN), England Standard (BS), and Japan Standard (JIS). The dimensions of E and n1-Ø1 ones are manufactured according to GB/T 12223 and ISO 5211 Standar d.

D7A1X 型中线对夹蝶阀(对夹式中线蝶阀) Wafer Type Butterfly



结构简单、小巧轻便,运输、安装、拆卸容易;90°启闭,开关迅速。操作扭矩小,省力轻巧; 密封性能好,使用寿命长,可达到零泄漏; 选择不同的零部件材质,可适用于多种介质; 流量特性近似于直线,调节性能好。

A butterfly valve consists of body ,stem ,disc , actuator (manual actuator, worm-gear actuator , aerodynamic actuator or electric actuator) , and wafer type butterfly valve can implement the proc ess for turning on turning off and regulating the flow by the circumrotation of stem and disc that i s droved by actuators.

1.Simple and compact construction. Small in size and light in weight. Easy transportation , installati on and maintenance.

2. Quick 90 degrees on-off operation. Minimized operating torque ,energy saving. 3. Excellent sealing performance with no leakage. Long service life. 4. Wide selection of materials ,applicable for various media..

5. Flow curve tending to straight line. Excellent regulation performance.

中线蝶阀主要零部件材质 Main Spare Material Quality

注: 1、DN50~DN800蝶阀分别适用于PN1.0/PN1.6MPa两种压力级,表中每规格中有两个尺寸的分别表示PN1.0MPa 和PN1. 6MPa 两种压力级连接尺寸。蝶阀上法兰可通用于手动、蜗轮蜗杆传动、电动、气动等。表中D1及n-Ø尺寸为蝶阀安装定位尺寸,包容国标(GB )、国际标准(ISO )、德标(DIN )、英标(BS )等法兰连接标准。

2、D1及n-Ø尺寸可按国标(GB )、国际标准(ISO )、美标(ANSI )、德标(DIN )、英标(BS )、日标(JIS )加工生产。E 及n1-Ø1尺寸可按GB/T 12223及ISO 5211标准加工生产。

Note: 1、DN50~DN800 Butterfly valves are suitable for the pressure of PN1.0 and PN1.6MPa grade separately. Two dimensions in one size show the connection dimensions of PN1.0/PN1.6MPa pressure grade. The upper fla nges of the valves are suitable all types of valves fitted with electric, worm gear, manual, pneumatic and actu ators. The dimensions D1 and n-Ø are listed in above table show the installation dimensions of butterfly valve. It contains China Standard (GB), International Standard (ISO), Germany Standard (DIN), and England Standa rd (BS) of flange connection standard, etc.

2、The dimensions of D1 and n-Ø ones are manufactured according to China Standard (GB), International Stan dard (ISO), American Standard (ANSI), Germany Standard (DIN), England Standard (BS), and Japan Standard (JIS). The dimensions of E and n1-Ø1 ones are manufactured according to GB/T 12223 and ISO 5211 Standar d.


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