北师大版小学三年级第一单元测试题 以及答案

北师大版英语三年级(上)单元测试AB 卷

Unit One B 卷 听力部分(20分)





_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



bear 2、book 3、duck 4、cake 5、 ruler 6、gift 7、great 8、body 10、 blue


一、 看图,把正确单词的序号填在括号中。(6分)


( ) ( )

( )

( ) A .mouse B. bag C. rubber D.

二、 用所给字母组成单词。(8分)



( )

( )

apple E. pencil F. dog _________


三、 正确抄写下列句子。(6分)

1. Hello. What’s your name? I’m Danny.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

2. How are you? Fine, thanks.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

3. Don’t be late for school again.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

四、 看图,为每幅图找到正确的英文说明,把序号写在括号中。(10


( ) ( )

( ) ( )

A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Goodbye. D. Clean the table.

五、 读英语,写数字。(10分)

1. seven six four three _______________________

2. one five ten nine _______________________

3. eight two four six _______________________

4. three nine seven two _______________________

5. five eight four ten _______________________

六、 选出相应的答句。(10分)

( )1. Good morning, Miss Fang. A. I’ m Danny. ( )2. How are you? B. Good morning. ( )3. What’s your name? C. Goodbye! ( )4. Goodbye! D. Fine, thanks.

七、 选择填空。(15分)

( ) 1. Alice Wang’s mother is _____________.

A. Miss Wang B. Mrs. Wang C. Mr Wang ( ) 2. ---- ___________ Kitty Li. ---- No, I’m Alice Wang.

A. I’m B. You’re C. What’s

( ) 3. The blackboard is dirty ( 脏的 ). ________ the blackboard, please. A. Close B. Open C. Clean ( ) 4. Look _________ the clock.

A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. It’s cold ( 冷 ). __________ the window, please. A. Open B. Close C. Clean

八、 阅读理解,用T 或F 判断。(15分)

Hello! I’m Ben. This is my classroom. There is a table in my room. The table is yellow. There is a blackboard on the wall. There is a door and two big windows. They are clean. There are 20 desks and chairs. I can see pencils, pens, rubbers, rulers, books and bags in my classroom. Miss Fang is my teacher. I like Miss Fang. I like my classroom.

( ) 1. This is Ben’s classroom. ( ) 2. The door is yellow. ( ) 3. The windows are clean.

( ) 4. Ben can see a box in the classroom. ( ) 5. Miss Fang is Ben’s teacher.

Unit One B 卷

答 听力部分

一 A H J K F L M N S X

b c d e g p t v o u 二 1、bear 2、duck 3、ruler 4、great 5、blue 笔试部分 一、BFDEAC 二、 1、cat 2、desk 3、hello 4、name 三、1. Hello. What’s your name? I’m Danny.

2. How are you? Fine, thanks. 3. Don’t be late for school again.


五、 1) 7、6、4、3、 2) 1、5、10、9、 4) 3、9、7、2、 5). 5、8、4、10、 六、BDAC 七、BBCCB 八、TFTFT

3) 8、2、4、6、

北师大版英语三年级(上)单元测试AB 卷

Unit One B 卷 听力部分(20分)





_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



bear 2、book 3、duck 4、cake 5、 ruler 6、gift 7、great 8、body 10、 blue


一、 看图,把正确单词的序号填在括号中。(6分)


( ) ( )

( )

( ) A .mouse B. bag C. rubber D.

二、 用所给字母组成单词。(8分)



( )

( )

apple E. pencil F. dog _________


三、 正确抄写下列句子。(6分)

1. Hello. What’s your name? I’m Danny.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

2. How are you? Fine, thanks.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

3. Don’t be late for school again.

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

四、 看图,为每幅图找到正确的英文说明,把序号写在括号中。(10


( ) ( )

( ) ( )

A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Goodbye. D. Clean the table.

五、 读英语,写数字。(10分)

1. seven six four three _______________________

2. one five ten nine _______________________

3. eight two four six _______________________

4. three nine seven two _______________________

5. five eight four ten _______________________

六、 选出相应的答句。(10分)

( )1. Good morning, Miss Fang. A. I’ m Danny. ( )2. How are you? B. Good morning. ( )3. What’s your name? C. Goodbye! ( )4. Goodbye! D. Fine, thanks.

七、 选择填空。(15分)

( ) 1. Alice Wang’s mother is _____________.

A. Miss Wang B. Mrs. Wang C. Mr Wang ( ) 2. ---- ___________ Kitty Li. ---- No, I’m Alice Wang.

A. I’m B. You’re C. What’s

( ) 3. The blackboard is dirty ( 脏的 ). ________ the blackboard, please. A. Close B. Open C. Clean ( ) 4. Look _________ the clock.

A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. It’s cold ( 冷 ). __________ the window, please. A. Open B. Close C. Clean

八、 阅读理解,用T 或F 判断。(15分)

Hello! I’m Ben. This is my classroom. There is a table in my room. The table is yellow. There is a blackboard on the wall. There is a door and two big windows. They are clean. There are 20 desks and chairs. I can see pencils, pens, rubbers, rulers, books and bags in my classroom. Miss Fang is my teacher. I like Miss Fang. I like my classroom.

( ) 1. This is Ben’s classroom. ( ) 2. The door is yellow. ( ) 3. The windows are clean.

( ) 4. Ben can see a box in the classroom. ( ) 5. Miss Fang is Ben’s teacher.

Unit One B 卷

答 听力部分

一 A H J K F L M N S X

b c d e g p t v o u 二 1、bear 2、duck 3、ruler 4、great 5、blue 笔试部分 一、BFDEAC 二、 1、cat 2、desk 3、hello 4、name 三、1. Hello. What’s your name? I’m Danny.

2. How are you? Fine, thanks. 3. Don’t be late for school again.


五、 1) 7、6、4、3、 2) 1、5、10、9、 4) 3、9、7、2、 5). 5、8、4、10、 六、BDAC 七、BBCCB 八、TFTFT

3) 8、2、4、6、


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