演讲题目 东华大学 杨丹 新东方


Let the Olympic Spirit Inspire Us to Grow 让奥林匹克精神激励我们立志成才



Global Citizenship Begins at Home


语言:演讲人应使用标准英国英语或美国英语。语言准确(发音清晰准确,音响、音调、音高要合适,选词用词的准确性和相关性),语言流利(连读,词重音,句重音,语调,节奏)。 技巧:幽默感(不能是哑剧式的幽默或耍贫嘴,不能使用道具),手势、眼睛接触与身体语言,自信、有感情与气势但不能有侵略性;适当修辞手段(比喻,类比等)。


“1+1 = 2? (One Plus One Equal Two?)”


Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

2009 21世纪 决赛

Our Changing Way of Living with the Times: Initiative vs. Convenience


“____ Is My Top Concern. ”

2010 21世纪

Growing up with the Internet: Who are we – the Net Generation?




A Word That Has Changed the World



1. With people coming from different places, people in big cities in China tend to use Putonghua

instead of local dialects for better communication. This has caused concern that these local dialects may no longer exist. Do you think the government should take measures to protect the local dialects in big cities in China? Why or why not?

2. Under the current economic downturn, many companies would ask the applicants to go through

rounds of interviews before finally they make a decision. Do you think this is a waste of time for applicants and HR staffs?

3. Many college students would sound happy and confident when they phone their parents, by choosing

only to tell their parents the good things in their university life. Do you act in this way? Why or why not?

4. One survey done by Wuhan University shows that text message and QQ, instead of face to face, are

dominant ways of communication for post 90s students. Please share with us your opinion how the different ways of communication will influence university students’ future life.

5. Science students enrolled by Tsinghua University this year can apply to study a liberal arts subject,

just as liberal arts students are permitted to take a science subject. Do you think this measure is useful for students’ academic development?

6. About 70% of parents of the best performers in college entrance exams only received junior high

school education. Someone said it is because those parents respect their children’s personalities and do not press them too much. Do you agree?

7. An essay written in ancient Chinese characters by a Sichuan student sitting for the National College

Entrance Examination has puzzled many teachers going over the exam papers. Many think the student is talented, however, experts have pointed out that the essay is irrelevant to the title and therefore cannot receive a high mark. What criterion would you apply when you mark this essay?

8. Nowadays, presentations by peers and lectures by teachers are both very common forms of

pedagogical methods at college. Which of the two sorts of education do you enjoy more?

9. Every festival season, millions of people across the world spend days in large fields, and give up

showers and shelter in the name of music. Have you ever been so passionate about anything before? Why or why not?

10. At some universities, students are being encouraged to report late or absent teachers to school

administration official. Would you report your teacher if he/she is late or absent? Why or why not?

11. For students in many provinces in China, students only have two or three days to decide the

university in which they will pursue their further study after their scores of college entrance exam come out. Do you think the two or three days is enough for one to decide their future major and college?

12. To control budget under the current situation of economic slowdown, many would choose to

consume in a more careful and planned way and only buy necessities. Different people have different definitions of necessities. What do you think are necessities?

13. Many seniors would tell fresh graduates that the ability to be popular and appreciated by others is

important than academic performance for one’s career. Do you agree?

14. A recent research released that about 80% of the small and medium sized enterprises have gone

bankruptcy or are on the edge of being bankrupt in China. With things being so difficult, do you

think it is good for colleges to encourage fresh graduates to start their own business when in most cases the business is small ones? Why or why not?

15. If you could be another person, who would you like to be?

16. If you had only 24 hours left to live and could do only three things, what would you do?

17. If you had a budget of 2000 RMB for gifts for three friends, what would you buy? Why?


Many Chinese celebrities have obtained citizenship in another country. What are your feelings on this?


When asked which profession they would like to enter, many children will say science. Tell us why so many children choose science as their future profession.


Legally speaking, college students should have the right to marry if they think they’ve found their perfect mate. But, is it wise to get married in one’s early 20s?


College students these days are more active than ever before in developing their own circle of friends, to give them more possibilities in the future. Does this — making friends with a particular goal in mind — against our traditional ideas of friendship, which are based on a kind of innocence and real feelings?


If you could change one thing about your current life, what would that be?


If you were given the chance to live forever, but you had to become a blood-drinking vampire who could only go out at night, would you do it?


Some parents complain about all the violence on television having an adverse effect of their child’s personality. Does TV violence influence the way children behave?


International adoptions are when people become the legal, permanent guardians of a child from a different country. Do you approve of international adoptions?


In America there are people who think that the story of Chang-Er, the Moon Goddess, originated in Japan. Do you have any thoughts on this? How would you describe the story?


What’s your view of mixed marriages? Would you ever consider marrying a foreigner?


In view of the high cost of housing in today’s world, will you consider renting as an alternative to

buying an apartment, after you graduate?


Life’s not always fair. What would you do if you were treated unfairly: just take it and try to adapt, or fight back?


Some people think that rebuilding old cultural sites like the Yuanmingyuan, or the old Summer Palace, might be a waste of money and go against the spirit of protecting our traditional culture. Does this make sense to you?


To attract readers and improve sales, many media mostly cover negative events or trivial things instead of things that have a positive impact on people’s lives. What can be done to help people to see this problem and do something to change it?


Would you be tempted to buy a pirated copy, or fake copy, of brands of goods if they were more than 50% cheaper than the original?


A 19-year-old American "barefoot bandit", Harris Moore, has become an Internet celebrity. He’s stolen aircraft and yachts, and escaped when he was surrounded by police and now has thousands of fans. Do you like this sort of celebrity?


Some people look for friends who are different from them, while others look for people who are similar. What’s the advantage of having friends who are different, and the advantage of those who are similar to you. Which is better?


Some people think that the most important influence on young people’s lives comes from the family. Others think that it’s friends. Which one has the greatest influence, and why?


One move among people these days is to live a low-carbon life. How would you practice this kind of life if you wanted to?


Chinese soccer fans complained about the poor quality of the commentary on TV during the South Africa World Cup. What qualities does a good commentator have?


Let the Olympic Spirit Inspire Us to Grow 让奥林匹克精神激励我们立志成才



Global Citizenship Begins at Home


语言:演讲人应使用标准英国英语或美国英语。语言准确(发音清晰准确,音响、音调、音高要合适,选词用词的准确性和相关性),语言流利(连读,词重音,句重音,语调,节奏)。 技巧:幽默感(不能是哑剧式的幽默或耍贫嘴,不能使用道具),手势、眼睛接触与身体语言,自信、有感情与气势但不能有侵略性;适当修辞手段(比喻,类比等)。


“1+1 = 2? (One Plus One Equal Two?)”


Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

2009 21世纪 决赛

Our Changing Way of Living with the Times: Initiative vs. Convenience


“____ Is My Top Concern. ”

2010 21世纪

Growing up with the Internet: Who are we – the Net Generation?




A Word That Has Changed the World



1. With people coming from different places, people in big cities in China tend to use Putonghua

instead of local dialects for better communication. This has caused concern that these local dialects may no longer exist. Do you think the government should take measures to protect the local dialects in big cities in China? Why or why not?

2. Under the current economic downturn, many companies would ask the applicants to go through

rounds of interviews before finally they make a decision. Do you think this is a waste of time for applicants and HR staffs?

3. Many college students would sound happy and confident when they phone their parents, by choosing

only to tell their parents the good things in their university life. Do you act in this way? Why or why not?

4. One survey done by Wuhan University shows that text message and QQ, instead of face to face, are

dominant ways of communication for post 90s students. Please share with us your opinion how the different ways of communication will influence university students’ future life.

5. Science students enrolled by Tsinghua University this year can apply to study a liberal arts subject,

just as liberal arts students are permitted to take a science subject. Do you think this measure is useful for students’ academic development?

6. About 70% of parents of the best performers in college entrance exams only received junior high

school education. Someone said it is because those parents respect their children’s personalities and do not press them too much. Do you agree?

7. An essay written in ancient Chinese characters by a Sichuan student sitting for the National College

Entrance Examination has puzzled many teachers going over the exam papers. Many think the student is talented, however, experts have pointed out that the essay is irrelevant to the title and therefore cannot receive a high mark. What criterion would you apply when you mark this essay?

8. Nowadays, presentations by peers and lectures by teachers are both very common forms of

pedagogical methods at college. Which of the two sorts of education do you enjoy more?

9. Every festival season, millions of people across the world spend days in large fields, and give up

showers and shelter in the name of music. Have you ever been so passionate about anything before? Why or why not?

10. At some universities, students are being encouraged to report late or absent teachers to school

administration official. Would you report your teacher if he/she is late or absent? Why or why not?

11. For students in many provinces in China, students only have two or three days to decide the

university in which they will pursue their further study after their scores of college entrance exam come out. Do you think the two or three days is enough for one to decide their future major and college?

12. To control budget under the current situation of economic slowdown, many would choose to

consume in a more careful and planned way and only buy necessities. Different people have different definitions of necessities. What do you think are necessities?

13. Many seniors would tell fresh graduates that the ability to be popular and appreciated by others is

important than academic performance for one’s career. Do you agree?

14. A recent research released that about 80% of the small and medium sized enterprises have gone

bankruptcy or are on the edge of being bankrupt in China. With things being so difficult, do you

think it is good for colleges to encourage fresh graduates to start their own business when in most cases the business is small ones? Why or why not?

15. If you could be another person, who would you like to be?

16. If you had only 24 hours left to live and could do only three things, what would you do?

17. If you had a budget of 2000 RMB for gifts for three friends, what would you buy? Why?


Many Chinese celebrities have obtained citizenship in another country. What are your feelings on this?


When asked which profession they would like to enter, many children will say science. Tell us why so many children choose science as their future profession.


Legally speaking, college students should have the right to marry if they think they’ve found their perfect mate. But, is it wise to get married in one’s early 20s?


College students these days are more active than ever before in developing their own circle of friends, to give them more possibilities in the future. Does this — making friends with a particular goal in mind — against our traditional ideas of friendship, which are based on a kind of innocence and real feelings?


If you could change one thing about your current life, what would that be?


If you were given the chance to live forever, but you had to become a blood-drinking vampire who could only go out at night, would you do it?


Some parents complain about all the violence on television having an adverse effect of their child’s personality. Does TV violence influence the way children behave?


International adoptions are when people become the legal, permanent guardians of a child from a different country. Do you approve of international adoptions?


In America there are people who think that the story of Chang-Er, the Moon Goddess, originated in Japan. Do you have any thoughts on this? How would you describe the story?


What’s your view of mixed marriages? Would you ever consider marrying a foreigner?


In view of the high cost of housing in today’s world, will you consider renting as an alternative to

buying an apartment, after you graduate?


Life’s not always fair. What would you do if you were treated unfairly: just take it and try to adapt, or fight back?


Some people think that rebuilding old cultural sites like the Yuanmingyuan, or the old Summer Palace, might be a waste of money and go against the spirit of protecting our traditional culture. Does this make sense to you?


To attract readers and improve sales, many media mostly cover negative events or trivial things instead of things that have a positive impact on people’s lives. What can be done to help people to see this problem and do something to change it?


Would you be tempted to buy a pirated copy, or fake copy, of brands of goods if they were more than 50% cheaper than the original?


A 19-year-old American "barefoot bandit", Harris Moore, has become an Internet celebrity. He’s stolen aircraft and yachts, and escaped when he was surrounded by police and now has thousands of fans. Do you like this sort of celebrity?


Some people look for friends who are different from them, while others look for people who are similar. What’s the advantage of having friends who are different, and the advantage of those who are similar to you. Which is better?


Some people think that the most important influence on young people’s lives comes from the family. Others think that it’s friends. Which one has the greatest influence, and why?


One move among people these days is to live a low-carbon life. How would you practice this kind of life if you wanted to?


Chinese soccer fans complained about the poor quality of the commentary on TV during the South Africa World Cup. What qualities does a good commentator have?


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