


这是一封完美的英文自荐信格式及内容。全文由曾任北京华尔街英语高级教师对我的原稿及我想表达的意向、要求亲自撰写及修改。按照美国人一般撰写自荐信的要求,篇幅一般不要太长,开头和结尾可以是相通共用的,剩下的两段主干除了教育经历就是工作经历。因此此文对于想为自己撰写英文推荐信的具有广泛的借鉴意义(尤其开头和结尾的两段可以直接抄袭)。非常感谢 Wes McAda 老师!!

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, let me give you my warmest greetings and best wishes! Thank you in advance, as well, for your time and consideration of my application.

I graduated from university nine years ago and have been working for a state-owned insurance company since that time. These nine years have been a long, challenging period that has provided me with abundant social interaction and work experience. I have gained job skills and made personal connections in certain social circles within the insurance industry. Whereas I had obtained my CET-4 certificate before my graduation with my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I continued working to obtain my PET-4 and WSK certificates while employed full-time. I am an advanced speaker of English as a second language, as I put my English to use at work and in my personal life every day to some extent. I expect my English skills to serve me well in my future occupation.

In consideration of my work experience and my devotion to the insurance industry, as demonstrated by my tenure in my current position, I hope to be considered favorably for employment at your company. During the aforementioned nine-year period, I have worked as a salesman, an assistant to a regional manager, an investigator, and a chief underwriter at the head office at China Insurance in Beijing.

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you would like to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. I thank you again for your consideration and look forward to meeting you.





这是一封完美的英文自荐信格式及内容。全文由曾任北京华尔街英语高级教师对我的原稿及我想表达的意向、要求亲自撰写及修改。按照美国人一般撰写自荐信的要求,篇幅一般不要太长,开头和结尾可以是相通共用的,剩下的两段主干除了教育经历就是工作经历。因此此文对于想为自己撰写英文推荐信的具有广泛的借鉴意义(尤其开头和结尾的两段可以直接抄袭)。非常感谢 Wes McAda 老师!!

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, let me give you my warmest greetings and best wishes! Thank you in advance, as well, for your time and consideration of my application.

I graduated from university nine years ago and have been working for a state-owned insurance company since that time. These nine years have been a long, challenging period that has provided me with abundant social interaction and work experience. I have gained job skills and made personal connections in certain social circles within the insurance industry. Whereas I had obtained my CET-4 certificate before my graduation with my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I continued working to obtain my PET-4 and WSK certificates while employed full-time. I am an advanced speaker of English as a second language, as I put my English to use at work and in my personal life every day to some extent. I expect my English skills to serve me well in my future occupation.

In consideration of my work experience and my devotion to the insurance industry, as demonstrated by my tenure in my current position, I hope to be considered favorably for employment at your company. During the aforementioned nine-year period, I have worked as a salesman, an assistant to a regional manager, an investigator, and a chief underwriter at the head office at China Insurance in Beijing.

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you would like to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. I thank you again for your consideration and look forward to meeting you.




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