
Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to Chao-chou to travel, I am your guide DAVID.

Each visitor, we have already arrived at a Korean of Han Jiang's strand male ancestral temple now.Tang Xian, Zong Yuan, and 14 years(819 A.D.), more because"the Jian faces a Buddha bone" is exiled Chao-chou.The fiesta crocodile release a slave girl during the period of Chao-chou more, the interest learns to advise an agriculture, the in the past tide persons all really think of his merit, there is a piece of stone tablet in Han Ci engrave:"If have no Han Fu Zi, public still grass vegetables."Would be to his tallest evaluation.

There is a stone carving of ancient book form in ancestral temple ex- square and up engraved to write Korean male in two famous sayings in 《enter learn a solution 》 :"The industry good command of frequently Huang at the Xi and go in think and Be ruined to with."The meaning is to say:The diligence is an aggressive business premise, the deep thought is successful behavior assurance.

Han Ci's center door, up write "Korean male ancestral temple" four words, is 1984 the beard show off total secretary of nation inspection the original handwriting left by Chao-chou.Han Ci according to mountain and then set up, the layer is clear, ex- fall is Han Ci's corpus, behind fall is a vice minister Ge, now we ten classes but up, the stone stairs totally has 51 classes, being in remembrance of more to get to Chao-chou at the age of 51.Han Ci Qian originally possessed more personally planted oak, folk tale:The oak blooms of how much, can indicate that the civil service exam of those early years examines the height of acceptance rate.Han Ci's oak becomes eight one of the viewses in Chao-chou afterwards.

Han Ci's starting is set up to north Sung salty even two years(999 years), at the beginning set up in the Kingsoft, move state afterwards south seven inside, south Sung Chun Xi just move here for 16 years(1189) and calculated and also had the history of more than 800 years.Han Ci is existing to have in the past officials scholar leave of 37 pieces of sculpture carvingses.Among them, "three Qi south mountain" is an original Wei secretary wood of Guangdong province if the book, come from Su east the sentence"Mr. of earnest and sincere can open cloud of Heng mountain" of 《Chang Li the male temple stone tablet of Korean uncle in Chao-chou 》 of the ascent, another meaning means once three times arriving at Guangdong in his whole life.

Korean Mr. initiates a Confucianism from cradle to the grave, and inherit with the Confucianism"orthodoxy of teachings" from reside, he promotes "human government" and oppose brutal, "arrive to line up heresy, the Rang scolds a Buddha old".He arrive Chao-chou after make every effort and establish long discard of country school, also donate out support education to own wage silver, and rise and use local wise private, Zhao De, and manage and educate a work, let and study custom long-last and keep on developing.

This place of a Ying allied, ascend allied BE:Open up tired thousand speecheses of Buddhas, snow is cold and blue to close, from now on the scholar breeze opens sea Jiao;Next allied BE:Arrive tide just in August, tide even crocodile Zhu, in now joss stick time Ying continent.Ascend allied say that he comes to the reason of Chao-chou and arrive tide after make to study of custom all over seashore.Next unite to say that he held official post to in Chao-chou for eight month, but banished crocodile, a great service to mankind, the in the pasts didn't forget him.

The left side of the main temple has stone tablet to engrave:If"the achievement isn't under the Yu", comes from Korean own male article, originally was to praise Menzi more, but the posterity turned over to laud him with this sentence.After he come to Chao-chou in addition to doing a school, banish crocodile, release a slave outside, also actively develop agriculture mulberry, construct water dike, elephant the ancient big Yu is similar.Deeper 1 F contains an idea BE:The immoral doctrine in consciousness appearance also the like great calamity is a type of disaster, but manage flood, no matter it is natural or thought field of, the key lie in appeasing but can not persistently block."Southern stone tablet gallery in the sky" of the left side of Han Ci is an our country nowadays the famous calligraphist and high-ranking officials praise the poem text stone tablet of Korean Mr. to engrave, it is thus clear that the influence more not Chao-chou a square.

We finally ascend the vice minister Ge of behind together, reach high position and look, satisfied look at Chao-chou thou the looks of the city.,

My explained in detail this to end and thanked everyone!

Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to Chao-chou to travel, I am your guide DAVID.

Each visitor, we have already arrived at a Korean of Han Jiang's strand male ancestral temple now.Tang Xian, Zong Yuan, and 14 years(819 A.D.), more because"the Jian faces a Buddha bone" is exiled Chao-chou.The fiesta crocodile release a slave girl during the period of Chao-chou more, the interest learns to advise an agriculture, the in the past tide persons all really think of his merit, there is a piece of stone tablet in Han Ci engrave:"If have no Han Fu Zi, public still grass vegetables."Would be to his tallest evaluation.

There is a stone carving of ancient book form in ancestral temple ex- square and up engraved to write Korean male in two famous sayings in 《enter learn a solution 》 :"The industry good command of frequently Huang at the Xi and go in think and Be ruined to with."The meaning is to say:The diligence is an aggressive business premise, the deep thought is successful behavior assurance.

Han Ci's center door, up write "Korean male ancestral temple" four words, is 1984 the beard show off total secretary of nation inspection the original handwriting left by Chao-chou.Han Ci according to mountain and then set up, the layer is clear, ex- fall is Han Ci's corpus, behind fall is a vice minister Ge, now we ten classes but up, the stone stairs totally has 51 classes, being in remembrance of more to get to Chao-chou at the age of 51.Han Ci Qian originally possessed more personally planted oak, folk tale:The oak blooms of how much, can indicate that the civil service exam of those early years examines the height of acceptance rate.Han Ci's oak becomes eight one of the viewses in Chao-chou afterwards.

Han Ci's starting is set up to north Sung salty even two years(999 years), at the beginning set up in the Kingsoft, move state afterwards south seven inside, south Sung Chun Xi just move here for 16 years(1189) and calculated and also had the history of more than 800 years.Han Ci is existing to have in the past officials scholar leave of 37 pieces of sculpture carvingses.Among them, "three Qi south mountain" is an original Wei secretary wood of Guangdong province if the book, come from Su east the sentence"Mr. of earnest and sincere can open cloud of Heng mountain" of 《Chang Li the male temple stone tablet of Korean uncle in Chao-chou 》 of the ascent, another meaning means once three times arriving at Guangdong in his whole life.

Korean Mr. initiates a Confucianism from cradle to the grave, and inherit with the Confucianism"orthodoxy of teachings" from reside, he promotes "human government" and oppose brutal, "arrive to line up heresy, the Rang scolds a Buddha old".He arrive Chao-chou after make every effort and establish long discard of country school, also donate out support education to own wage silver, and rise and use local wise private, Zhao De, and manage and educate a work, let and study custom long-last and keep on developing.

This place of a Ying allied, ascend allied BE:Open up tired thousand speecheses of Buddhas, snow is cold and blue to close, from now on the scholar breeze opens sea Jiao;Next allied BE:Arrive tide just in August, tide even crocodile Zhu, in now joss stick time Ying continent.Ascend allied say that he comes to the reason of Chao-chou and arrive tide after make to study of custom all over seashore.Next unite to say that he held official post to in Chao-chou for eight month, but banished crocodile, a great service to mankind, the in the pasts didn't forget him.

The left side of the main temple has stone tablet to engrave:If"the achievement isn't under the Yu", comes from Korean own male article, originally was to praise Menzi more, but the posterity turned over to laud him with this sentence.After he come to Chao-chou in addition to doing a school, banish crocodile, release a slave outside, also actively develop agriculture mulberry, construct water dike, elephant the ancient big Yu is similar.Deeper 1 F contains an idea BE:The immoral doctrine in consciousness appearance also the like great calamity is a type of disaster, but manage flood, no matter it is natural or thought field of, the key lie in appeasing but can not persistently block."Southern stone tablet gallery in the sky" of the left side of Han Ci is an our country nowadays the famous calligraphist and high-ranking officials praise the poem text stone tablet of Korean Mr. to engrave, it is thus clear that the influence more not Chao-chou a square.

We finally ascend the vice minister Ge of behind together, reach high position and look, satisfied look at Chao-chou thou the looks of the city.,

My explained in detail this to end and thanked everyone!


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