
审计学毕业生英文求职信 respected leaders: how do you do!

i am nanning vocational and technical college is going to graduate from graduate school of an accountant professional students. from

newspapers and magazines that yourpany will have to recruitment accounting position.

i to yourpanys development has been very concerned, and on accounting the jobs with

great interest, very willing to work for yourpanys development to do a most meager strength. im very honored to have the opportunity to present you my personal


in two years of university life, i very good mastery of the specialized knowledge,

learning the cost accounting, management accounting, financial management,puterized accounting, auditing, and other

professional courses. i am serious about learning, courses average scores 80 points or more, the thought moral character is good, once get

issued by the college moral honorable mention, during the period of school, i made

the ministry of education test center the authenticationputer level 2 certificate,

english class b certificate, accountant card. as a photography association deputy


general position. i case a bright and cheerful disposition, full of enthusiasm,

get teachers and students consistent high praise. i can use the office software skilled, has certain on theputer operation ability,

skilled wubi input method. two years i use their spare time to do part-time outside.

and through the work study make me feel important responsibility. the life and let

me have the spirit of the bear hardships and stand hard work. honesty is my character. because i know that treat accounts is not potato, more can do false account.

serious and responsible job. if i can has yourmon sense, ill conscientious with practical action to prove to you: yourpany in the past, i to and participation; but the

future of yourpany, i am willing to give my life effort and sweat! im looking forward

to your good news. once again the my most sincere appreciation! salute

applicant:篇二:财会与审计自荐书范文 财会与审计自荐书范文 尊敬的领导:



开了人生中新的一页。我在网上获得贵公司的招聘信息,欲申请贵公司招聘的财会类职位。 我叫陈彩霞,是华南农业大学理学院农村财会与审计专业2006届毕业生。作为一名会计学专



公软件培训课程,能够熟悉地运用word 、excel 等办公软件。 本人具有很好的团队精神和敬业精神,能够很快融入工作环境中去,有吃苦耐劳的精神,


好每一项工作。也有信心刻服困难,完成领导交待的各项任务。 我深知,在竞争激烈的今天,能够找到称心的工作 很不容易,在此,我对您阅读我这份求职信书表示衷心的感谢。希望各位领导能够对我


审计学毕业生英文求职信 respected leaders: how do you do!

i am nanning vocational and technical college is going to graduate from graduate school of an accountant professional students. from

newspapers and magazines that yourpany will have to recruitment accounting position.

i to yourpanys development has been very concerned, and on accounting the jobs with

great interest, very willing to work for yourpanys development to do a most meager strength. im very honored to have the opportunity to present you my personal


in two years of university life, i very good mastery of the specialized knowledge,

learning the cost accounting, management accounting, financial management,puterized accounting, auditing, and other

professional courses. i am serious about learning, courses average scores 80 points or more, the thought moral character is good, once get

issued by the college moral honorable mention, during the period of school, i made

the ministry of education test center the authenticationputer level 2 certificate,

english class b certificate, accountant card. as a photography association deputy


general position. i case a bright and cheerful disposition, full of enthusiasm,

get teachers and students consistent high praise. i can use the office software skilled, has certain on theputer operation ability,

skilled wubi input method. two years i use their spare time to do part-time outside.

and through the work study make me feel important responsibility. the life and let

me have the spirit of the bear hardships and stand hard work. honesty is my character. because i know that treat accounts is not potato, more can do false account.

serious and responsible job. if i can has yourmon sense, ill conscientious with practical action to prove to you: yourpany in the past, i to and participation; but the

future of yourpany, i am willing to give my life effort and sweat! im looking forward

to your good news. once again the my most sincere appreciation! salute

applicant:篇二:财会与审计自荐书范文 财会与审计自荐书范文 尊敬的领导:



开了人生中新的一页。我在网上获得贵公司的招聘信息,欲申请贵公司招聘的财会类职位。 我叫陈彩霞,是华南农业大学理学院农村财会与审计专业2006届毕业生。作为一名会计学专



公软件培训课程,能够熟悉地运用word 、excel 等办公软件。 本人具有很好的团队精神和敬业精神,能够很快融入工作环境中去,有吃苦耐劳的精神,


好每一项工作。也有信心刻服困难,完成领导交待的各项任务。 我深知,在竞争激烈的今天,能够找到称心的工作 很不容易,在此,我对您阅读我这份求职信书表示衷心的感谢。希望各位领导能够对我



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