


Distinguished guests, leaders, ladies and gentleman, hello!


Sunny, songs, laughter, heaven auspicious, in this beautiful, warm, romantic day, we greeted a couple Mr. and mihappy union. Here first, please allow me on behalf of two people and their families to the distinguished guests to visit, to expremy heartfelt thanks and warm welcome! I then announced that the wedding ceremony now begins! Good, please our audio division played a solemn Wedding March, let us take the warmest applause please two rookie debut!

一、婚礼第一项: 新人登场 鸣炮奏乐

One, the first rookie debut cannons: Wedding Music

二、婚礼第二项: 拜天地

Two, second: Wedding Chapel

三、婚礼第三项: 拜高堂

Three, third: Al Gao wedding

四、婚礼第四项: 拜谢娘家人

Four, Fourth: to visit her parents wedding

五、婚礼第五项: 答谢大红娘

Five, fifth: acknowledge the big wedding matchma-ki-ng

六、婚礼第六项: 向来宾行新婚大礼

Six, sixth: the wedding guests line wedding gift

七、婚礼第七项: 夫妻对拜

Seven, seventh: wedding couples worship

八、婚礼第八项: 宣读结婚誓言

Eight, eighth: read the wedding vows

九、婚礼第九项: 男方亲属代表向新人致贺词

Nine, Ninth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十、婚礼第十项: 女方亲属代表向新人致贺词

Ten, tenth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十一、婚礼第十一项: 婚礼特邀嘉宾向新人致贺词

Eleven, eleventh: wedding wedding guest new to send speech of congratulation

十二、婚礼第十二项: 新郎致答谢词

Twelve, Twelfth: Wedding groom to thank words

十三、婚礼第十三项: 新娘致答谢词

Thirteen, thirteenth: wedding bride to answer thanks

十四、婚礼第十四项: 证婚人向新人致贺词

Fourteen, fourteenth: Wedding witnenew to send speech of congratulation

十五、婚礼第十五项: 男方父母致辞

Fifteen, Fifteenth: the bridegroom's side parents wedding speech

十六、婚礼第十六项: 女方父母致词

Sixteen, sixteenth: her parents wedding speech

十七、婚礼第十七项: 单位领导致辞

Seventeen, seventeenth: Wedding unit leader

十八、婚礼第十八项: 庆典结束 喜宴开常



Distinguished guests, leaders, ladies and gentleman, hello!


Sunny, songs, laughter, heaven auspicious, in this beautiful, warm, romantic day, we greeted a couple Mr. and mihappy union. Here first, please allow me on behalf of two people and their families to the distinguished guests to visit, to expremy heartfelt thanks and warm welcome! I then announced that the wedding ceremony now begins! Good, please our audio division played a solemn Wedding March, let us take the warmest applause please two rookie debut!

一、婚礼第一项: 新人登场 鸣炮奏乐

One, the first rookie debut cannons: Wedding Music

二、婚礼第二项: 拜天地

Two, second: Wedding Chapel

三、婚礼第三项: 拜高堂

Three, third: Al Gao wedding

四、婚礼第四项: 拜谢娘家人

Four, Fourth: to visit her parents wedding

五、婚礼第五项: 答谢大红娘

Five, fifth: acknowledge the big wedding matchma-ki-ng

六、婚礼第六项: 向来宾行新婚大礼

Six, sixth: the wedding guests line wedding gift

七、婚礼第七项: 夫妻对拜

Seven, seventh: wedding couples worship

八、婚礼第八项: 宣读结婚誓言

Eight, eighth: read the wedding vows

九、婚礼第九项: 男方亲属代表向新人致贺词

Nine, Ninth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十、婚礼第十项: 女方亲属代表向新人致贺词

Ten, tenth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十一、婚礼第十一项: 婚礼特邀嘉宾向新人致贺词

Eleven, eleventh: wedding wedding guest new to send speech of congratulation

十二、婚礼第十二项: 新郎致答谢词

Twelve, Twelfth: Wedding groom to thank words

十三、婚礼第十三项: 新娘致答谢词

Thirteen, thirteenth: wedding bride to answer thanks

十四、婚礼第十四项: 证婚人向新人致贺词

Fourteen, fourteenth: Wedding witnenew to send speech of congratulation

十五、婚礼第十五项: 男方父母致辞

Fifteen, Fifteenth: the bridegroom's side parents wedding speech

十六、婚礼第十六项: 女方父母致词

Sixteen, sixteenth: her parents wedding speech

十七、婚礼第十七项: 单位领导致辞

Seventeen, seventeenth: Wedding unit leader

十八、婚礼第十八项: 庆典结束 喜宴开常


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