高级英语 修辞手法总汇 复习

一、 词语修辞格

(1) simile 明喻

① ...a memory that seemed phonographic ② (2) metaphor 暗喻

① the last this intermezzo came to an end… ② Mark Twain --- Mirror of America ③ saw clearly ahead a black wall of night...

④ ⑤ All would resurface in his books...that he soaked up... ⑥ When railroads began drying up the demand... ⑦ ...the epidemic of gold and silver fever... ⑧ Twain began digging his way to regional fame...

⑨ Mark Twain and experimented with his new writing muscles...

⑩ The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing

⑪ and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind…

⑫ I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe

⑬ I see the Russian soldiers standing on the thresthold of their native land, guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial.

⑭ The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except ⑮ I suppose they will be rounded up in hordes.

⑯ We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with God’s help, we have rid the earth of (3) metonymy 借代,转喻

(4) synecdoche 提喻

① The case had erupted round my head

(5) personification 拟人

① ② The grave world smiles as usual... ③ Bitterness fed on the man... ④ America laughed with him.

⑤ Personal tragedy haunted his entire life.

(6) transferred epithet 移就

① Darrow had whispered throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder

② The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle.

③ Two high points of color appeared in the paleness of the Duchess of Croydon’s cheeks.

(7) hyperbole 夸张

① If Hitler invaded Hell and would make at least a favorable

reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.

② ...cruise through eternal boyhood and ...endless summer of freedom...

③ ④ America laughed with him. ⑤ The trial that rocked the world

⑥ His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized (8) oxymoron 矛盾修饰法

(9) euphemism 委婉语

① … a motley band of Confederate guerrillas who diligently ② (10) irony -- the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their

literal meaning. 反语用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法

① Hiroshima—the ―liveliest‖ city in Japan

② … until we are marching backwards to (11) sarcasm -- a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. 讽刺,挖苦意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语

① (12) pun 双关


(13) antithesis 对比

① Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. Any man or state who marches with Hitler is our foe… ② "The Christian believes that man came from above. The

evolutionist believes that he must have come from below ③ ...between what people claim to be and what they really are. ④ ...took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land...

⑤ ...a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever

(14) rhetorical question 修辞疑问句

① Was I not at the scene of the crime?

② Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye? ③ In what conceivable way does our car concern you? 三、 音韵修辞格

(15) 头韵法(alliteration)在文句中有两个以上连结在一起的词或词组,其开头的音节有同样的字母或声音,以增强语言的节奏感。

① …as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop...

② I felt sick, and ever since then they have been testing and

③ I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war with its dandified Prussian officers, it crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries.

⑦ …just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his the globe.

⑧ I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun … when

一、 词语修辞格

(1) simile 明喻

① ...a memory that seemed phonographic ② (2) metaphor 暗喻

① the last this intermezzo came to an end… ② Mark Twain --- Mirror of America ③ saw clearly ahead a black wall of night...

④ ⑤ All would resurface in his books...that he soaked up... ⑥ When railroads began drying up the demand... ⑦ ...the epidemic of gold and silver fever... ⑧ Twain began digging his way to regional fame...

⑨ Mark Twain and experimented with his new writing muscles...

⑩ The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing

⑪ and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind…

⑫ I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe

⑬ I see the Russian soldiers standing on the thresthold of their native land, guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial.

⑭ The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except ⑮ I suppose they will be rounded up in hordes.

⑯ We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with God’s help, we have rid the earth of (3) metonymy 借代,转喻

(4) synecdoche 提喻

① The case had erupted round my head

(5) personification 拟人

① ② The grave world smiles as usual... ③ Bitterness fed on the man... ④ America laughed with him.

⑤ Personal tragedy haunted his entire life.

(6) transferred epithet 移就

① Darrow had whispered throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder

② The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle.

③ Two high points of color appeared in the paleness of the Duchess of Croydon’s cheeks.

(7) hyperbole 夸张

① If Hitler invaded Hell and would make at least a favorable

reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.

② ...cruise through eternal boyhood and ...endless summer of freedom...

③ ④ America laughed with him. ⑤ The trial that rocked the world

⑥ His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized (8) oxymoron 矛盾修饰法

(9) euphemism 委婉语

① … a motley band of Confederate guerrillas who diligently ② (10) irony -- the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their

literal meaning. 反语用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法

① Hiroshima—the ―liveliest‖ city in Japan

② … until we are marching backwards to (11) sarcasm -- a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. 讽刺,挖苦意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语

① (12) pun 双关


(13) antithesis 对比

① Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. Any man or state who marches with Hitler is our foe… ② "The Christian believes that man came from above. The

evolutionist believes that he must have come from below ③ ...between what people claim to be and what they really are. ④ ...took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land...

⑤ ...a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever

(14) rhetorical question 修辞疑问句

① Was I not at the scene of the crime?

② Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye? ③ In what conceivable way does our car concern you? 三、 音韵修辞格

(15) 头韵法(alliteration)在文句中有两个以上连结在一起的词或词组,其开头的音节有同样的字母或声音,以增强语言的节奏感。

① …as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop...

② I felt sick, and ever since then they have been testing and

③ I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war with its dandified Prussian officers, it crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries.

⑦ …just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his the globe.

⑧ I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun … when


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