
美国的酒文化(American Wine Culture) The consumption and appreciation of wine among Americans has gradually

given rise to a distinctively Americans wine culture. American wine enthusiasts employ their own language, advocate their own behavioral codes and engage in ceremonies or festivals that celebrate the fine things in life.


提倡他们自己的行为准则,并且举行庆典或举办酒节来庆祝生活中美好的事情。 One typical example of the emergence of a wine culture in the US is the fact that

wine festivals have sprung up from coast to coast. What is distinctive to American wine festivals is that they appear in locations (e.g. New York City; Aspen, Colorado; and Longboat Key, Florida) and on dates having nothing to do with wine production. Most wine festivals are targeted at the wealthy and consist of hours of lectures, seminars and structured



Various terms and phrases have emerged to denote the typical sensory

experiences that are basic to the induction into American wine culture. For example, when wine tasters accentuate their appreciation of the visual appearance of a wine, they use such words as

restrained but broad and soft on the palate; lean and citric but with depth to the flavors and subtle texture that carries the flavor through to an

impressively long finish, smooth and harmonious with a crisp acidity and long on the finish,



Basic Meaning of Chinese Wine Culture




Wine culture is the collective term of material culture and spiritual culture generated during the

production, sales and consumption of wine. Wine culture includes such cultural phenomenon as winemaking methods, tasting methods, functions and history. With both the material features of wine and the spiritual connotation generated in wine tasting, wine culture is a special cultural form formed in the process of winemaking and drinking. Wine culture is of long standing in China. Many literators and scholars composed works of tasting and

appreciating vintage, and left such as stories as drinking, poetic composition, drawing, health preserving, banquet and farewell dinner. Wine, as a special cultural carrier, has a unique position in interpersonal interaction. Wine culture has penetrated almost all fields of social life of human beings, and has great influences on all aspects of literature, arts, medical treatment, health, industrial and agricultural production, politics and economics.




China is a worldwide famous country with ancient civilization as well as the hometown of wine.

During the history about 5000 years of the Chinese nation, wine and wine culture has always been playing an important role. As a special food, wine is physical. However, wine is also blended with the spiritual life of people. Wine culture, as a special form of culture, has a special position in traditional Chinese culture and derived the system of wine



Wine has penetrated almost all fields of social life during several thousand years of civilization.

China is a country depending on agriculture, so agricultural development is the foothold for all political and economic activities. Most Chinese wine is brewed from foodstuffs. Wine closely depends on agriculture and becomes a part of agricultural economics. The good and poor harvest of foodstuffs production was the barometer of the prosperity and decline of wine industry. The rulers of each dynasty, considering the harvest of foodstuffs, regulated the wine production by prohibition of wine production or prohibition rescinding, so as to ensure the foodstuff provision for people



The Chinese ancients reduced the functions of wine to three main categories: for curing diseases,

for longevity and for the practice of etiquette. The Chinese’s hospitality is fully expressed at feasts. People exchange their feelings while toasting. While drinking, the Chinese like urging others to drink more in order to express the host’s honesty and friendship. The more the guest drinks, the more cheerful the host feels.

美国的酒文化(American Wine Culture) The consumption and appreciation of wine among Americans has gradually

given rise to a distinctively Americans wine culture. American wine enthusiasts employ their own language, advocate their own behavioral codes and engage in ceremonies or festivals that celebrate the fine things in life.


提倡他们自己的行为准则,并且举行庆典或举办酒节来庆祝生活中美好的事情。 One typical example of the emergence of a wine culture in the US is the fact that

wine festivals have sprung up from coast to coast. What is distinctive to American wine festivals is that they appear in locations (e.g. New York City; Aspen, Colorado; and Longboat Key, Florida) and on dates having nothing to do with wine production. Most wine festivals are targeted at the wealthy and consist of hours of lectures, seminars and structured



Various terms and phrases have emerged to denote the typical sensory

experiences that are basic to the induction into American wine culture. For example, when wine tasters accentuate their appreciation of the visual appearance of a wine, they use such words as

restrained but broad and soft on the palate; lean and citric but with depth to the flavors and subtle texture that carries the flavor through to an

impressively long finish, smooth and harmonious with a crisp acidity and long on the finish,



Basic Meaning of Chinese Wine Culture




Wine culture is the collective term of material culture and spiritual culture generated during the

production, sales and consumption of wine. Wine culture includes such cultural phenomenon as winemaking methods, tasting methods, functions and history. With both the material features of wine and the spiritual connotation generated in wine tasting, wine culture is a special cultural form formed in the process of winemaking and drinking. Wine culture is of long standing in China. Many literators and scholars composed works of tasting and

appreciating vintage, and left such as stories as drinking, poetic composition, drawing, health preserving, banquet and farewell dinner. Wine, as a special cultural carrier, has a unique position in interpersonal interaction. Wine culture has penetrated almost all fields of social life of human beings, and has great influences on all aspects of literature, arts, medical treatment, health, industrial and agricultural production, politics and economics.




China is a worldwide famous country with ancient civilization as well as the hometown of wine.

During the history about 5000 years of the Chinese nation, wine and wine culture has always been playing an important role. As a special food, wine is physical. However, wine is also blended with the spiritual life of people. Wine culture, as a special form of culture, has a special position in traditional Chinese culture and derived the system of wine



Wine has penetrated almost all fields of social life during several thousand years of civilization.

China is a country depending on agriculture, so agricultural development is the foothold for all political and economic activities. Most Chinese wine is brewed from foodstuffs. Wine closely depends on agriculture and becomes a part of agricultural economics. The good and poor harvest of foodstuffs production was the barometer of the prosperity and decline of wine industry. The rulers of each dynasty, considering the harvest of foodstuffs, regulated the wine production by prohibition of wine production or prohibition rescinding, so as to ensure the foodstuff provision for people



The Chinese ancients reduced the functions of wine to three main categories: for curing diseases,

for longevity and for the practice of etiquette. The Chinese’s hospitality is fully expressed at feasts. People exchange their feelings while toasting. While drinking, the Chinese like urging others to drink more in order to express the host’s honesty and friendship. The more the guest drinks, the more cheerful the host feels.


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