
外国语学院英语文化月之第一届“译路同行”翻译技能大赛 初赛试题

Section 1 English-Chinese Translation

Translate the following passage into Chinese.

In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism.

Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago.

The geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities.

Doctors and investors from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the country’s mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine.

Section 2 Chinese-English Translation

Translate the following passage into English.


而神奇的土地上,却发生了比以往任何时代都无可比拟的巨大变化。西藏告别了贫穷落后、封闭停滞的封建农奴制社会,走向了不断进步,文明开放的现代人民民主社会。现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。 历史证明西藏的现代化离不开祖国的现代化,祖国的现代化也不能没有西藏的现代化。没有西藏的现代化,祖国的现代化就不完整,不全面。没有祖国的独立和富强,就没有西藏社会的新生和发展。西藏走向现代化符合世界历史潮流和人类社会发展规律,体现了西藏人民的根本利益与愿望。

外国语学院英语文化月之第一届“译路同行”翻译技能大赛 初赛试题

Section 1 English-Chinese Translation

Translate the following passage into Chinese.

In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism.

Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago.

The geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities.

Doctors and investors from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the country’s mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine.

Section 2 Chinese-English Translation

Translate the following passage into English.


而神奇的土地上,却发生了比以往任何时代都无可比拟的巨大变化。西藏告别了贫穷落后、封闭停滞的封建农奴制社会,走向了不断进步,文明开放的现代人民民主社会。现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。 历史证明西藏的现代化离不开祖国的现代化,祖国的现代化也不能没有西藏的现代化。没有西藏的现代化,祖国的现代化就不完整,不全面。没有祖国的独立和富强,就没有西藏社会的新生和发展。西藏走向现代化符合世界历史潮流和人类社会发展规律,体现了西藏人民的根本利益与愿望。


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