

Lesson 5

At the Post Office

1Sending Mails(邮寄包裹和信件)

Scene 1

(A: Tourist; B: Tour Leader; C: Clerk of the post office) A: Leader,can you do me a favor?

B: Certainly,Kate. What can I do for you?

A: I’d like to send some mail to my friend. Can you go with me

to the post office?

B: Sure,miss. With pleasure.

(To the post office)

C: Good morning. May I help you?

B: Yes. We want to mail this small package to Beijing. How

much is the postage?

C: Do you want it insured?

A: No. It’s just a souvenir for a friend of mine.

C: Do you want to send it by airmail or by ordinary mail?

A: By air mail,please.

C: That will be 12 dollars.

A: Here are 20 dollars. May I have ten 5-cent stamps,two

10-cent stamps and six airmail envelopes,please?

C: Certainly. Here are your stamps,envelopes and change. A: Thank you.

Scene 2

(A: Tour Leader; B:Clerk of the Post Office)

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how long it takes for an airmail to get to Shanghai?

B: Around a week.

A: That’s nice. Can I catch the last mail today?

B: Yes. The last mail leaves at 5:00 p.m.

A: Thank you. Can you give me an airmail envelope,please? B: Sure. Here you are. Would you like it registered?

A: Yes. How much does it cost?

B: Let me weigh it first? It’s 8 dollars altogether.

A: Oh,so expensive.

Notes 注释解疑

1. by airmail:航空邮

2. Do you want it insured?你要保价吗?

3. by ordinary mail:平邮

4. Can I catch the last mail today?我能赶上今天的最后一批邮


5. Would you like it registered?你要挂号吗?


Lesson 5

At the Post Office

1Sending Mails(邮寄包裹和信件)

Scene 1

(A: Tourist; B: Tour Leader; C: Clerk of the post office) A: Leader,can you do me a favor?

B: Certainly,Kate. What can I do for you?

A: I’d like to send some mail to my friend. Can you go with me

to the post office?

B: Sure,miss. With pleasure.

(To the post office)

C: Good morning. May I help you?

B: Yes. We want to mail this small package to Beijing. How

much is the postage?

C: Do you want it insured?

A: No. It’s just a souvenir for a friend of mine.

C: Do you want to send it by airmail or by ordinary mail?

A: By air mail,please.

C: That will be 12 dollars.

A: Here are 20 dollars. May I have ten 5-cent stamps,two

10-cent stamps and six airmail envelopes,please?

C: Certainly. Here are your stamps,envelopes and change. A: Thank you.

Scene 2

(A: Tour Leader; B:Clerk of the Post Office)

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how long it takes for an airmail to get to Shanghai?

B: Around a week.

A: That’s nice. Can I catch the last mail today?

B: Yes. The last mail leaves at 5:00 p.m.

A: Thank you. Can you give me an airmail envelope,please? B: Sure. Here you are. Would you like it registered?

A: Yes. How much does it cost?

B: Let me weigh it first? It’s 8 dollars altogether.

A: Oh,so expensive.

Notes 注释解疑

1. by airmail:航空邮

2. Do you want it insured?你要保价吗?

3. by ordinary mail:平邮

4. Can I catch the last mail today?我能赶上今天的最后一批邮


5. Would you like it registered?你要挂号吗?


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