一日三餐 how to cook



What do you like to have for breakfast?

bread 面包

steamed bread 馒头

steamed stuffed bread / steamed bun 包子

fried bread sticks / fried dough sticks 油条

Shaqi Ma 沙琪玛

pancake / battercake 煎饼

cooked rice 米饭

biscuit / cracker 饼干

noodle 面条

dumpling 水饺

wonton 馄饨

hamburger 汉堡

egg fried rice 蛋炒饭

fried egg 荷包蛋,煎蛋

Sunny-side Up一面煎,蛋黄鲜艳,两面煎,蛋较嫩 Over Easy,双面煎到全熟 Over- Hard scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋

egg yolk 蛋黄

boiled egg 煮鸡蛋

poached egg 水煮鸡蛋(没有壳)

100-year-egg 皮蛋

porridge / congee / conjee 稀饭 粥

soybean milk / soya-bean milk 豆浆

tofu jelly 豆腐脑

fresh milk 鲜奶

sour milk / yoghourt 酸奶

oatmeal 燕麦粥

egg tart 蛋挞

How would you like your egg? 你希望鸡蛋几成熟?

Where should I pay for my meal? 哪里付账?

May I have/take your order, ma'am? 可以点餐了吗?

I am stuffed. 我吃饱了。

American breakfast 美式早餐

Continental breakfast 欧式早餐

Chinese breakfast 中式早餐

Cuisine 菜式

To go 外卖

Can I get that to go? 这菜能外卖吗?

Develop the habit of eating breakfast. 养成吃早餐的习惯。

Create a habit

Brunch 早午餐

Midnight snack宵夜

mineral water矿泉水

chicken essence 鸡精

MSG 味精

Leftover 吃剩的,剩余的

Scorch 要糊了

Burnt 糊了

Chef cook厨师

Evenly 均匀地

Smother 窒息

Fishy 腥的

Recipe cookbook 食谱

Cooking process

Fry 煎, boil 煮, roast 烤, steam 蒸, stir-fry 炒, bake 烘, simmer慢煮,braise 闷炖,deep fry 炸,smoke 烟熏,

Peel(off)削皮, slice切片, grate磨 锉, cut up切碎, dice切段, chop切碎, beat快速搅拌, stir搅拌, shred切丝, sift筛, mash捣


Cooking oil油 salad oil色拉油

Salt 盐

Soy sauce酱油

Vinegar 醋

Sugar 糖

Chicken essence鸡精

MSG gourmet powder味精

Pepper 胡椒

Ginger 生姜

Onion 洋葱头 shallot 青葱

Garlic 蒜

Parsley 芫荽

Chili 辣椒

Curry 咖喱

Cooker 炊具

Stove 炉子

Oven 烤箱

Pan 平底锅

Wok 炒锅

Microwave 微波炉

Lid 盖子

Steamer 蒸笼

Strainer 滤网

Cupboard 橱柜

Cutting board切菜板

Egg beater打蛋器

Plate rack盘架

Kitchen scale厨房秤

Fridge 冰箱

Rice cooker电饭煲

Pressure cooker高压锅

Range hood抽油烟机

Turner 锅铲

Thermometer 温度计

Tongs 夹子

tableware 餐具

cutlery 刀具

knife 刀

fork 叉

spoon 勺

chopstick 筷子

bowl 碗

plate 盘子

dish 碟子

tray 托盘

napkin 餐巾纸

toothpick 牙签

pot 壶 罐

soup ladle汤勺

apron 围裙

chef hat厨师帽

taste 口味: Light清淡的,heavy 重的,salty 太咸

raw 生的,medium 半生半熟的,under done嫩的,well done熟的,over done做的老了 sour 酸sweet 甜bitter 苦 spicy 辣 salty 咸

what ’s your taste?

How to Cook an Egg Over Hard

Cooking an egg "over" refers to frying it on both sides. Whether the yolk is kept runny or cooked to firmness is what is meant by the terms "over easy" and "over hard." A solid cooked egg yolk is cooked to the hard state. The technique for cooking an egg over hard to perfection is to adjust the temperature so it cooks at an even rate. Cooking it too quickly will burn the edges and give it a rubbery texture.

Step 1

Set the skillet on the stove top burner set to medium-high heat.

Step 2

Melt a pat of butter in the skillet or coat it lightly with 1 to 2 tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil. Step 3

Move the pan around so the butter or oil completely coats the skillet.

Step 4

Crack an egg into the middle of the skillet once the skillet is hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. Step 5

Reduce the burner heat to low.

Step 6

Sprinkle some salt and pepper, to taste, on the egg as it cooks.

Step 7

Flip the egg over gently with a spatula when the white part of the egg is opaque and firm and the yolk starts to thicken.

Step 8

Continue cooking the egg until the yolk is completely firm. It should have no runny parts. You can usually tell the consistency of the yolk from the bottom of the egg, but you may have to lift it up slightly with the spatula to determine the consistency.

Mario’s Chicken Soup

My friend Mario makes the best chicken soup in the world. I know his secret recipe.

First he cuts up the chicken with a big knife. He puts it in a large pot filled with water. He puts the pot on the stove and boils the chicken on high heat. Then, he peels and slices vegetables. He adds carrots, onions, celery, and parsley to the boiling soup. Finally, he puts the lid on the pot, turns the heat to low, and simmers it for an hour.

“The soup must cook slowly. That’s my secret.”

Mario laughs. “A relaxed chicken tastes better!”



What do you like to have for breakfast?

bread 面包

steamed bread 馒头

steamed stuffed bread / steamed bun 包子

fried bread sticks / fried dough sticks 油条

Shaqi Ma 沙琪玛

pancake / battercake 煎饼

cooked rice 米饭

biscuit / cracker 饼干

noodle 面条

dumpling 水饺

wonton 馄饨

hamburger 汉堡

egg fried rice 蛋炒饭

fried egg 荷包蛋,煎蛋

Sunny-side Up一面煎,蛋黄鲜艳,两面煎,蛋较嫩 Over Easy,双面煎到全熟 Over- Hard scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋

egg yolk 蛋黄

boiled egg 煮鸡蛋

poached egg 水煮鸡蛋(没有壳)

100-year-egg 皮蛋

porridge / congee / conjee 稀饭 粥

soybean milk / soya-bean milk 豆浆

tofu jelly 豆腐脑

fresh milk 鲜奶

sour milk / yoghourt 酸奶

oatmeal 燕麦粥

egg tart 蛋挞

How would you like your egg? 你希望鸡蛋几成熟?

Where should I pay for my meal? 哪里付账?

May I have/take your order, ma'am? 可以点餐了吗?

I am stuffed. 我吃饱了。

American breakfast 美式早餐

Continental breakfast 欧式早餐

Chinese breakfast 中式早餐

Cuisine 菜式

To go 外卖

Can I get that to go? 这菜能外卖吗?

Develop the habit of eating breakfast. 养成吃早餐的习惯。

Create a habit

Brunch 早午餐

Midnight snack宵夜

mineral water矿泉水

chicken essence 鸡精

MSG 味精

Leftover 吃剩的,剩余的

Scorch 要糊了

Burnt 糊了

Chef cook厨师

Evenly 均匀地

Smother 窒息

Fishy 腥的

Recipe cookbook 食谱

Cooking process

Fry 煎, boil 煮, roast 烤, steam 蒸, stir-fry 炒, bake 烘, simmer慢煮,braise 闷炖,deep fry 炸,smoke 烟熏,

Peel(off)削皮, slice切片, grate磨 锉, cut up切碎, dice切段, chop切碎, beat快速搅拌, stir搅拌, shred切丝, sift筛, mash捣


Cooking oil油 salad oil色拉油

Salt 盐

Soy sauce酱油

Vinegar 醋

Sugar 糖

Chicken essence鸡精

MSG gourmet powder味精

Pepper 胡椒

Ginger 生姜

Onion 洋葱头 shallot 青葱

Garlic 蒜

Parsley 芫荽

Chili 辣椒

Curry 咖喱

Cooker 炊具

Stove 炉子

Oven 烤箱

Pan 平底锅

Wok 炒锅

Microwave 微波炉

Lid 盖子

Steamer 蒸笼

Strainer 滤网

Cupboard 橱柜

Cutting board切菜板

Egg beater打蛋器

Plate rack盘架

Kitchen scale厨房秤

Fridge 冰箱

Rice cooker电饭煲

Pressure cooker高压锅

Range hood抽油烟机

Turner 锅铲

Thermometer 温度计

Tongs 夹子

tableware 餐具

cutlery 刀具

knife 刀

fork 叉

spoon 勺

chopstick 筷子

bowl 碗

plate 盘子

dish 碟子

tray 托盘

napkin 餐巾纸

toothpick 牙签

pot 壶 罐

soup ladle汤勺

apron 围裙

chef hat厨师帽

taste 口味: Light清淡的,heavy 重的,salty 太咸

raw 生的,medium 半生半熟的,under done嫩的,well done熟的,over done做的老了 sour 酸sweet 甜bitter 苦 spicy 辣 salty 咸

what ’s your taste?

How to Cook an Egg Over Hard

Cooking an egg "over" refers to frying it on both sides. Whether the yolk is kept runny or cooked to firmness is what is meant by the terms "over easy" and "over hard." A solid cooked egg yolk is cooked to the hard state. The technique for cooking an egg over hard to perfection is to adjust the temperature so it cooks at an even rate. Cooking it too quickly will burn the edges and give it a rubbery texture.

Step 1

Set the skillet on the stove top burner set to medium-high heat.

Step 2

Melt a pat of butter in the skillet or coat it lightly with 1 to 2 tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil. Step 3

Move the pan around so the butter or oil completely coats the skillet.

Step 4

Crack an egg into the middle of the skillet once the skillet is hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. Step 5

Reduce the burner heat to low.

Step 6

Sprinkle some salt and pepper, to taste, on the egg as it cooks.

Step 7

Flip the egg over gently with a spatula when the white part of the egg is opaque and firm and the yolk starts to thicken.

Step 8

Continue cooking the egg until the yolk is completely firm. It should have no runny parts. You can usually tell the consistency of the yolk from the bottom of the egg, but you may have to lift it up slightly with the spatula to determine the consistency.

Mario’s Chicken Soup

My friend Mario makes the best chicken soup in the world. I know his secret recipe.

First he cuts up the chicken with a big knife. He puts it in a large pot filled with water. He puts the pot on the stove and boils the chicken on high heat. Then, he peels and slices vegetables. He adds carrots, onions, celery, and parsley to the boiling soup. Finally, he puts the lid on the pot, turns the heat to low, and simmers it for an hour.

“The soup must cook slowly. That’s my secret.”

Mario laughs. “A relaxed chicken tastes better!”


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