
阳光学校 2011-2012 学年度上学期期中考试 六年级英语试卷满分:100 分()5、A、start from the bus stop in front of the park . B、start from the bus stop in front of the cinema .听力(20 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( ( ( ) 1、A、next to ) 2、A、by ship B、near B、by plane C、in front of C、by bus三、听录音,选出最恰当的答语。(10 分) ( )1、A、I usually go to school on foot . B、my home is near . C、I can go to school on foot . ( )2、A、I go to school by bus . B、you can go by the No.15bus .) 3、A、traffic lights C、trafficB、traffic rule( () 4、A、south ) 5、 A、school C、shoe storeB、north B、bookshopC、fifth (C、It’s not far . )3、A、yes there is . B、It’s next to the hospital. C、No, it’s not far . ( )4、A、I’m going by train . B、I’m going to visit my grandparents . C、I’m going to the bookstore . ( )5、A、No, there isn’t . B、No, it’s not far . C、Thank you . 笔试部分 总分(70 分) 三、选出不同类别的单词。(10 分)x 年级 xx 第 2 页(共 x 页)二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) ( )1、A、walk east for two minutes . B、Walk west for three minutes . ( )2、A、look for me near the door . B、look after me at home . ( )3、A、get on the bus at the cinema . B、get off the bus at the cinema . ( )4、A、you can take the No.30bus to the zoo . B、we can take the No.13bus to the zoo .x 年级 xx 第 1 页(共 x 页)( ( ( ( ()1、A、left )2、A、library )3、A、south )4、A、cinema )5、A、nearB、rightC、then()8、shoe store A、鞋店 B、书店 C、花店B、hospital C、east B、post office C、west B、shoe store C、bookstore B、next to C、where ( ()9、get off A、上车 B、下车 C、开车) 10、turn right A、向左转 B、笔直走 C、向右转四、选出下列单词或短语的汉语意思。(10 分) ( )1、get up A、起床 ( B、到达 C、下车五、选出下列短语的汉语的意思。( 8 分) A、与。。。相邻 E、一双 C、交通警察 ( ( B、有时候 C、总是 ( ( C、绿色 )1、post office ) )3、traffic light )5、a pair of )7、science museum B、邮局 C、科学博物馆 D、下车 H、交通灯)2、traffic light A、交通灯 B、交通规则F、放学以后 G、寻找 ( ( ( ()2、look for )4、get off )6、 after school )8、next to()3、sometimes A、通常()4、red light A、红灯 B、黄灯六、英汉对对碰。( 10 分) 1、stop at a red light_______ 2、交通灯______ ______()5、go to the cinema A、去看电影 B、去上学 C、去上班3、乘坐火车 5、步行_______ _______4、by subway()6、bookstore A、鞋店 B、快餐店 C、书店6、交通规则_______ 8、上学 _______ 10、by plane_______7、到达_______ 9、on the right _______()7、this evening A、今天上午 B、今天下午 C、今天晚上x 年级 xx 第 3 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 x 页(共 x 页)七、写出划线单词的对应词和反应词。(7 分) 11、My cat has two big eyes and a___mouth. 2、The library isn’t east of my school, but___of it . 3、His home is___from here, but my home is near here. 4、Harbin is north of China. Guangzhou is___of China. 5、It isn ’t on the___,it’s on the left . 6、My coat is new ,but my shoes are___. 7、Get on the No.301bus.___at the cinema . 八、连词成句。(10 分) 1、you go school to how do?6、tohospitalnextisitthe .__________________ 九、快乐阅读,选择正确答案。(15 分) My name is Mike .I’m twelve years old .I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes, I go to school by bike, because my home is far. I have a good friend. His name is Wu Yifan .He is twelve,too. His home is near our school, so he always goes to school on foot. He is my best classmate. ( )1、Mike sometimes goes to school by A、bus B、bike C、ship class. .__________________ 2、on drive side right the drivers .( )2、Mike and Wu Yifan are in the A、same B、different C、a to school. B、walks__________________ 3、post office my is home near the . ()3、Wu Yifan always A、takes a bus__________________ 4、at light go a green . (C、rides his bike . C、13)4、How old are they ? A、11 B、12__________________ 5、No.12 you go by can bus the . ()5、why does mike go to school by bike ? A、because his home is near .__________________x 年级 xx 第 1 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 2 页(共 x 页)2 1B、because C、becausehis home is near . he likes riding his bike .x 年级 xx 第 3 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 x 页(共 x 页)

阳光学校 2011-2012 学年度上学期期中考试 六年级英语试卷满分:100 分()5、A、start from the bus stop in front of the park . B、start from the bus stop in front of the cinema .听力(20 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( ( ( ) 1、A、next to ) 2、A、by ship B、near B、by plane C、in front of C、by bus三、听录音,选出最恰当的答语。(10 分) ( )1、A、I usually go to school on foot . B、my home is near . C、I can go to school on foot . ( )2、A、I go to school by bus . B、you can go by the No.15bus .) 3、A、traffic lights C、trafficB、traffic rule( () 4、A、south ) 5、 A、school C、shoe storeB、north B、bookshopC、fifth (C、It’s not far . )3、A、yes there is . B、It’s next to the hospital. C、No, it’s not far . ( )4、A、I’m going by train . B、I’m going to visit my grandparents . C、I’m going to the bookstore . ( )5、A、No, there isn’t . B、No, it’s not far . C、Thank you . 笔试部分 总分(70 分) 三、选出不同类别的单词。(10 分)x 年级 xx 第 2 页(共 x 页)二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) ( )1、A、walk east for two minutes . B、Walk west for three minutes . ( )2、A、look for me near the door . B、look after me at home . ( )3、A、get on the bus at the cinema . B、get off the bus at the cinema . ( )4、A、you can take the No.30bus to the zoo . B、we can take the No.13bus to the zoo .x 年级 xx 第 1 页(共 x 页)( ( ( ( ()1、A、left )2、A、library )3、A、south )4、A、cinema )5、A、nearB、rightC、then()8、shoe store A、鞋店 B、书店 C、花店B、hospital C、east B、post office C、west B、shoe store C、bookstore B、next to C、where ( ()9、get off A、上车 B、下车 C、开车) 10、turn right A、向左转 B、笔直走 C、向右转四、选出下列单词或短语的汉语意思。(10 分) ( )1、get up A、起床 ( B、到达 C、下车五、选出下列短语的汉语的意思。( 8 分) A、与。。。相邻 E、一双 C、交通警察 ( ( B、有时候 C、总是 ( ( C、绿色 )1、post office ) )3、traffic light )5、a pair of )7、science museum B、邮局 C、科学博物馆 D、下车 H、交通灯)2、traffic light A、交通灯 B、交通规则F、放学以后 G、寻找 ( ( ( ()2、look for )4、get off )6、 after school )8、next to()3、sometimes A、通常()4、red light A、红灯 B、黄灯六、英汉对对碰。( 10 分) 1、stop at a red light_______ 2、交通灯______ ______()5、go to the cinema A、去看电影 B、去上学 C、去上班3、乘坐火车 5、步行_______ _______4、by subway()6、bookstore A、鞋店 B、快餐店 C、书店6、交通规则_______ 8、上学 _______ 10、by plane_______7、到达_______ 9、on the right _______()7、this evening A、今天上午 B、今天下午 C、今天晚上x 年级 xx 第 3 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 x 页(共 x 页)七、写出划线单词的对应词和反应词。(7 分) 11、My cat has two big eyes and a___mouth. 2、The library isn’t east of my school, but___of it . 3、His home is___from here, but my home is near here. 4、Harbin is north of China. Guangzhou is___of China. 5、It isn ’t on the___,it’s on the left . 6、My coat is new ,but my shoes are___. 7、Get on the No.301bus.___at the cinema . 八、连词成句。(10 分) 1、you go school to how do?6、tohospitalnextisitthe .__________________ 九、快乐阅读,选择正确答案。(15 分) My name is Mike .I’m twelve years old .I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes, I go to school by bike, because my home is far. I have a good friend. His name is Wu Yifan .He is twelve,too. His home is near our school, so he always goes to school on foot. He is my best classmate. ( )1、Mike sometimes goes to school by A、bus B、bike C、ship class. .__________________ 2、on drive side right the drivers .( )2、Mike and Wu Yifan are in the A、same B、different C、a to school. B、walks__________________ 3、post office my is home near the . ()3、Wu Yifan always A、takes a bus__________________ 4、at light go a green . (C、rides his bike . C、13)4、How old are they ? A、11 B、12__________________ 5、No.12 you go by can bus the . ()5、why does mike go to school by bike ? A、because his home is near .__________________x 年级 xx 第 1 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 2 页(共 x 页)2 1B、because C、becausehis home is near . he likes riding his bike .x 年级 xx 第 3 页(共 x 页)x 年级 xx 第 x 页(共 x 页)


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