
葫芦文化 The gourd is one of the most original mascots of the Chinese nation, people often hang it on the door to ward off bad luck and produce wealth. Both the old and the young love it so much. Even in the TV series, the gourd is given many magical functions. One of the reasons is that it has long history and ancient origin. As there are always lots of seeds in each gourd, they usually suggest future generations of people are endless and prosperous. Besides, gourds which are not carved have so many different and beautiful shapes, they can give a person auspicious aesthetic feeling. Gourd (hulu) is a homophone for "fortune" in Chinese. So the ancients thought gourd could ward off bad luck, pray for happiness and make generations prosperous. The waist guard which is composed of two spheres stands for harmony and happiness. If the relationship between the husband and wife is in danger, the guard can be put at the end of their bed to strengthen the feelings of them. The gourd can also deal with illness. The patient will get well soon as long as we hang a gourd by the sickbed. In addition, gourds hung on the door can bless family all right and to be a happy life. Therefore, for thousands of years, as a mascot or an ornament, the gourd has been enjoyed and treasured all the time.

五帝钱 Copper Coin of Five Sovereigns, made in the period of 5 sovereigns (Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing)in Qing Dynasty, was made of 100% copper. This kind of coin has the functions of exorcising evil spirit and producing wealth. This item I am selling is a combination of the gourd and the Copper Coin of Five Sovereigns.


Natural Hand Toy Gourd with Chinese Knots, Size M and S, Home &Car Hang Decoration, Art Ware, Feng Shui Craft

所有葫芦全部天然无化学处理。所以不保证完全没有瑕疵,希望各位亲多多理解。 All of my gourds are natural and not chemically treated, so I can not promise that they are all perfect without any flaws. I hope everybody can understand me a lot. Thank you.


Large Gourds Ornament, Open Bottle Gourd, Wine-containing Gourd, Cup.


Natural and Open Bottle Gourd with colored stickers, Size M and S, Home &Car Hang Decoration, Art Ware.

喜鹊登梅the magpie ascends the plum 孔雀飞来 the peacock flies over 八骏图 a portrait of eight horses

烙画雕刻技术pyrography and sculpting techniques 太极八卦 Tai Chi and Ba Gua

弥勒佛祖 Maitreya Buddha 花开富贵 Fortune comes with blooming flowers 一帆风顺 Everything is going smoothly 带有配套底座 with matched base plate 雕刻的开口葫芦 Open Bottle Gourd with Engravings


Chinese knot, it was a fantastic show and the wisdom of ancient civilization, generations of human reproduction is its metaphor. It can represent a delicate symmetry of the nation's history, with the custom of Chinese traditional decoration and aesthetic ideas. It stands for harmony, peace, and happiness. Hundreds of millions of Chinese place their hopes for a better future on the Chinese knot.


Gourd skin sticker is a kind of craft picture with the gourd skin decals. It is natural and elegant and it has exquisite craft and unique picture. It mainly uses the gourd skin natural forms of concave and convex to be cut, grinded, lustred and colored. After being colored, maybe it has a kind of imposing sense which is full of ancient local flavor.

葫芦文化 The gourd is one of the most original mascots of the Chinese nation, people often hang it on the door to ward off bad luck and produce wealth. Both the old and the young love it so much. Even in the TV series, the gourd is given many magical functions. One of the reasons is that it has long history and ancient origin. As there are always lots of seeds in each gourd, they usually suggest future generations of people are endless and prosperous. Besides, gourds which are not carved have so many different and beautiful shapes, they can give a person auspicious aesthetic feeling. Gourd (hulu) is a homophone for "fortune" in Chinese. So the ancients thought gourd could ward off bad luck, pray for happiness and make generations prosperous. The waist guard which is composed of two spheres stands for harmony and happiness. If the relationship between the husband and wife is in danger, the guard can be put at the end of their bed to strengthen the feelings of them. The gourd can also deal with illness. The patient will get well soon as long as we hang a gourd by the sickbed. In addition, gourds hung on the door can bless family all right and to be a happy life. Therefore, for thousands of years, as a mascot or an ornament, the gourd has been enjoyed and treasured all the time.

五帝钱 Copper Coin of Five Sovereigns, made in the period of 5 sovereigns (Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing)in Qing Dynasty, was made of 100% copper. This kind of coin has the functions of exorcising evil spirit and producing wealth. This item I am selling is a combination of the gourd and the Copper Coin of Five Sovereigns.


Natural Hand Toy Gourd with Chinese Knots, Size M and S, Home &Car Hang Decoration, Art Ware, Feng Shui Craft

所有葫芦全部天然无化学处理。所以不保证完全没有瑕疵,希望各位亲多多理解。 All of my gourds are natural and not chemically treated, so I can not promise that they are all perfect without any flaws. I hope everybody can understand me a lot. Thank you.


Large Gourds Ornament, Open Bottle Gourd, Wine-containing Gourd, Cup.


Natural and Open Bottle Gourd with colored stickers, Size M and S, Home &Car Hang Decoration, Art Ware.

喜鹊登梅the magpie ascends the plum 孔雀飞来 the peacock flies over 八骏图 a portrait of eight horses

烙画雕刻技术pyrography and sculpting techniques 太极八卦 Tai Chi and Ba Gua

弥勒佛祖 Maitreya Buddha 花开富贵 Fortune comes with blooming flowers 一帆风顺 Everything is going smoothly 带有配套底座 with matched base plate 雕刻的开口葫芦 Open Bottle Gourd with Engravings


Chinese knot, it was a fantastic show and the wisdom of ancient civilization, generations of human reproduction is its metaphor. It can represent a delicate symmetry of the nation's history, with the custom of Chinese traditional decoration and aesthetic ideas. It stands for harmony, peace, and happiness. Hundreds of millions of Chinese place their hopes for a better future on the Chinese knot.


Gourd skin sticker is a kind of craft picture with the gourd skin decals. It is natural and elegant and it has exquisite craft and unique picture. It mainly uses the gourd skin natural forms of concave and convex to be cut, grinded, lustred and colored. After being colored, maybe it has a kind of imposing sense which is full of ancient local flavor.


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