
水手英语听力试卷(B )原文

I. Listen to the following sentences and choose the best one (10×3)

1. The A.B. is doing some painting work at the moment. (C)

2. What does O.S. mean on board ship? (B)

3. Midships! (A)

4. Let go head line! (B)

5. Welcome to our ship, Mr. Pilot. (A)

6. By the way, ensure the safety of operation.(C)

7. We are ready for loading in all respects.(A)

8. It’s difficulty for us to do the repairs as you require.(B)

9. What is your maximum draft? (C)

10. What does CSO stand for? (D)

II. Listen to the following dialogue and answer the questions: (10×3)

1. S1: Good morning, Madam. May I have your passport, please?

S2: Sure. (C)

2. S1: What are you doing, bosun?

S2: I am cleaning the deck. (A)

3. S1: How does she answer?

S2: No answer. (C)

4. S1: Make fast forward breast line.

S2: Forward breast line made fast.(B)

5. S1: Good, morning, Sir. Anything I can do for you?

S2: I am your agent. I’d like to see your captain. (D)

6. S1: Are the holds free of smell?

S2: The holds will be free of smell in 15 minutes. (C)

7. S1: How much deck cargo can the vessel load?

S2: The vessel can load 1,500 forty foot containers on deck. (D)

8. S1: Is it still fit for use?

S2: It has to be changed for a new one. (B)

9. S1: What is the visibility in your position?

S2: Visibility in my position is 3 nautical miles. (B)

10. S1: How often do you check the Ship Security Alert System?

S2: About once a month. (C)

III. Listen to the following passage and answer the questions: (8×3)

Passage 1

S1: Quartermaster, what is the course now?

S2: Course one eight two degrees, Sir.

S1: Starboard five.

S2: Starboard five. Wheel is Starboard five.

S1: Keep the red pillar buoy on port side.

S2: Keep the red pillar buoy on port side. The red pillar buoy kept on port side.

(A, C, D, C)

Passage 2

Start fire fighting. Take two fire fighting teams to the scene. Have two crewmembers in one team. Chief Officer in command of fire fighting team NO. 1 and Chief Engineer in command of fire fighting team No. 2. Have lifeline between each other. Have rescue team on standby. Maintain radio contact on walkie-talkie. Fire fighting team must have following outfit: protective clothing, smoke helmets and breathing apparatus. Restrict action to 15 minutes. (A, D, C, D)

IV . Look at the picture and choose the best: (13×2)

1. ---- A.

2. ---- A

3. ---- D

4. ---- C

5. ---- B

6. ---- A

7. ---- A

8. ---- C

9. ---- B


11.--- C

12.--- B

13.--- C

水手英语听力试卷(B )原文

I. Listen to the following sentences and choose the best one (10×3)

1. The A.B. is doing some painting work at the moment. (C)

2. What does O.S. mean on board ship? (B)

3. Midships! (A)

4. Let go head line! (B)

5. Welcome to our ship, Mr. Pilot. (A)

6. By the way, ensure the safety of operation.(C)

7. We are ready for loading in all respects.(A)

8. It’s difficulty for us to do the repairs as you require.(B)

9. What is your maximum draft? (C)

10. What does CSO stand for? (D)

II. Listen to the following dialogue and answer the questions: (10×3)

1. S1: Good morning, Madam. May I have your passport, please?

S2: Sure. (C)

2. S1: What are you doing, bosun?

S2: I am cleaning the deck. (A)

3. S1: How does she answer?

S2: No answer. (C)

4. S1: Make fast forward breast line.

S2: Forward breast line made fast.(B)

5. S1: Good, morning, Sir. Anything I can do for you?

S2: I am your agent. I’d like to see your captain. (D)

6. S1: Are the holds free of smell?

S2: The holds will be free of smell in 15 minutes. (C)

7. S1: How much deck cargo can the vessel load?

S2: The vessel can load 1,500 forty foot containers on deck. (D)

8. S1: Is it still fit for use?

S2: It has to be changed for a new one. (B)

9. S1: What is the visibility in your position?

S2: Visibility in my position is 3 nautical miles. (B)

10. S1: How often do you check the Ship Security Alert System?

S2: About once a month. (C)

III. Listen to the following passage and answer the questions: (8×3)

Passage 1

S1: Quartermaster, what is the course now?

S2: Course one eight two degrees, Sir.

S1: Starboard five.

S2: Starboard five. Wheel is Starboard five.

S1: Keep the red pillar buoy on port side.

S2: Keep the red pillar buoy on port side. The red pillar buoy kept on port side.

(A, C, D, C)

Passage 2

Start fire fighting. Take two fire fighting teams to the scene. Have two crewmembers in one team. Chief Officer in command of fire fighting team NO. 1 and Chief Engineer in command of fire fighting team No. 2. Have lifeline between each other. Have rescue team on standby. Maintain radio contact on walkie-talkie. Fire fighting team must have following outfit: protective clothing, smoke helmets and breathing apparatus. Restrict action to 15 minutes. (A, D, C, D)

IV . Look at the picture and choose the best: (13×2)

1. ---- A.

2. ---- A

3. ---- D

4. ---- C

5. ---- B

6. ---- A

7. ---- A

8. ---- C

9. ---- B


11.--- C

12.--- B

13.--- C


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