
三坐标测量机外文翻译 在线诊断的移动空间坐标测量系统( MScMS )

Fiorenzo Franceschini∗, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacom (都灵理工大学,部的生产系统和经济学(DISPEA),高碌街公爵教堂阿布拉兹24 ,10129-都灵,意大利)

摘 要:移动空间坐标测量系统(MScMS)是一个由意大利都灵大学生产系统与商务经济系的工业测量与质量工程实验室的实验基础之上发展起来的无线传感器主导网络。它的功能是用来实现简单和快速地进行大规模室内三维测量。



为了避免这个系统发生错误,如超声波的衍射和发射、外界因素(例如钥匙碰撞产生的响声、氖光闪烁等)对超声波的干扰、软件不兼容的解决方案等,MScMS系统运用了统计学试验来进行在线诊断。这篇文章对 “基于模型的能源诊断学”、“基于模型的距离诊断学”、和“传感器物理诊断学” 这三个问题进行了详细的论述。对于每个测量,如果所有这些试验都通过了,则测量的结果会被认为是一个确实可信的特定系数,否则,测量结果会被拒绝。







MScMS系统的工作原来与著名的NAVSTAR GPS(卫星计时导航和全球定位测距系统)十分相似。他们的主要区别在于MScMS运用超声波技术而不是射频技术来估算空间距离。它非常容易适应不同的测量环境,而且不需要很复杂的安装、启动和校验过程。





一般来说,我们可以定义“测量的可靠性”的概念如下:对于每个可测量的值X,我们可以定义一个可接受的区间[LAL,UAL](其中LAL代表较低的接受限度,而UAL则表示较高的接受限度)LAL ≤x≤UAL,从测量系统的角度来看,一阶和二阶的系统误差率分别对应于:



系统“在线自我诊断”的问题并不是个新问题,在许多领域中,人们已经提出了很多的解决策略。在许多关键的部门,就如航空和原子能部门,它们对即时探测系统的故障有绝对的要求,这些地方典型的解决方案是基于“物理冗余”实现的。它主要由使用仪表和系统控制设备复制组成。虽然这种方法实现起来效率高,但是会对系统的造价和复杂度造成一定的影响。 3. MScMS技术和操作特性


* 星座(网络)的无线设备(蟋蟀) ,适时安排在工作区

* 测量探头,通过超声波收发沟通(美国)与星座设备,以便获得的坐标触及点;

* 一种计算和控制系统(电脑) ,接收和处理数据发送的移动探针,以评估对象几何特征。 测量探头是一个移动系统托管两个无线设备,小费触摸表面点的测量物体和触发激活数据采集(见图.2)。


4. MScMS诊断系统

图.5 .一个例子二维质量弹簧系统. 三个参考节点( _x1 , _x2 , _x3 )与众所周知的立场联系在一起的泉水点进行本地化( _xP )

以超声波技术为基础,MScMS是明智的许多影响因素。超声波的信号可衍射和反映了两国之间的障碍插嘴设备,不加控制的外部事件可以成为不受欢迎的美国波来源,甚至定位算法可导致不接 受的解决办法。这些和其他潜在原因意外测量错误必须采取的控制,以确保适当水平的精度。

目的是保护系统, MScMS实施了一系列的统计测试,在线诊断。其中三人分析了以下几个部分:

--- “能源基于模型的诊断方法” ;

--- “距离基于模型的诊断方法” ;

--- “传感器物理诊断学” 。





本文介绍的所有概念都是基于“可靠性的测量” 的基础上进行的 ,它使MScMS用户可以拒绝对于给定的置信系数,不满足一系列数据验收测试结果的测量。

对于每次测量 ,如果所有这些试验是满意的,则实测结果是可以接受的。否则,测量将被拒绝。







三坐标测量仪可定义为“一种具有可作三个方向移动的探测器,可在三个相互垂直的导轨上移动,此探测器以接触或非接触等方式传送讯号,三个轴的位移测量系统 ( 如光学尺 ) 经数据处理器或计算机等计算出工件的各点坐标(X、Y、Z)及各项功能测量的仪器”。三坐标测量仪的测量功能应包括尺寸精度、定位精度、几何精度及轮廓精度等。









F、取代传统测量方式,提高检验准确度,并且对于高精度产品,可以百分之百检验。 G、复杂的工件与测量困难度高的工件,皆可以作精确的测量。





(市场上的叫法一般有:影像式三次元, cnc三次元,影像三次元,经济型三次元,光学影像测量仪,龙门型三次元,cnc全自动大行程三次元,非接触三次元,光学三坐标测量机,三坐标测量仪,三维坐标,光学三次元,探针型三次元,经济型手动三次元测量机,高精度全自动三次元测量机,计量型三次元测量机,三次元测量机,二次元测量仪,三次元测量仪,三次元,活动桥式三次元测量机,固定桥式三次元测量仪)





















在ACG界,三次元解释为:三次元就是指现实社会的正常生活圈。OTAKU以外的世界。 三坐标测量机CMM的测量方式根据所需测量产品特性通常可分为接触式测量、非接触式测量和接触与非接触复合式测量,目前三坐标测量机已经广泛应用于汽车、航天工业、模具及机加工领域并在学校科研单位也得到了广泛使用对提升国内产品总体竞争力取到不不可忽视的作用。三坐标测量仪的测量方法分类:1、接触式探针测量三坐标测量仪(最常用使用最普遍);2、影像复合式三坐标测量仪;3、激光复合式三坐标测量仪(主要应用于产品测量与逆向抄数扫描);我们将根据客户的产品特点与测量要求提供最适合客户的测量产品。三坐标测量机详细技术咨询请来点咨询我们技术服务中心7*24小时服务热线:0769-[**************]6三坐标测量机CMM的测量方式通常可分为接触式测量、非接触式测量和接触与非接触并用式测量。其中,接触测量方式常用于机加工产品、压制成型产品、金属膜等的测量。为了分析工件加工数据,或为逆向工程提供工件原始信息,经常需要用三坐标测量机对被测工件表面进行数据点扫描。三坐标测量机的扫描操作是应用DMIS程序在被测物体表面的特定区域内进行数据点采集,该区域可以是一条线、一个面片、零件的一个截面、零件的曲线或距边缘一定距离的周线等。将被测物体置于三坐标测量空间,可获得被测物体上各测点的坐标位置,根据这些点的空间坐标值,经计算求出被测物体的几何尺寸,形状和位置。基本原理就是通过探测传感器(探头)与测量空间轴线运动的配合,对被测几何元素进行离散的空间点位置的获取,然后通过一定的数学计算,完成对所测得点(点群)的分析拟合,最终还原出被测的几何元素,并在此基础上计算其与理论值(名义值)之间的偏差,从而完成对被测零件的检验工作.三坐标测量机的组成:1、主机机械系统(X、Y、Z三轴或其它);2、测头系统;3、电气控制硬件系统;4、数据处理软件系统(测量软件);5、正向工程:产品设计--制造--检验(三坐标测量机)6、逆向工程:早期:美工设计--手工模型(1:1)--3轴靠模铣床当今:工件(模型)--维测量(三坐标测量机)--设计--制造7、逆向工程定义:将实物转变为CAD模型相关的数字化技术,几何模型重建技术和产品制造技术的总称。广义逆向工程:包括几何逆向,工艺逆向,材料逆向,管理逆向等诸多方面的系统工程。8、逆向工程设备:8.1、测量机:获得产品三维数字化数据(点云/特征);8.2、曲面/实体反求软件:对测量数据进行处理,实现曲面重构,甚至实体重构;8.3、CAD/CAE/CAM软件。8.4、数控机床;9、逆向工程中的技术难点:9.1、获得产品的数字化点云(测量扫描系统);9.2、将点云数据构建成曲面及边界,甚至是实体(逆向工程软件);9.3、与CAD/CAE/CAM系统的集成;(通用CAD/CAM/CAE软件);9.4、为快速准确地完成以上工作,需要经验丰富的专业工程师(人员)。


[ 1 ]博世茉莉.三坐标测量机和系统.马塞尔特德克尔公司; 1995年. ISBN 0-8247-9581-4.

[ 2 ] Cauchick -米格尔磷,国王吨,戴维斯学者CMM的核查:一项调查.测量1996年,17(1):1 - 16 .

[ 3 ]汉森的HN ,者Chiffre影响的工业比较坐标测量机器在斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的不确定性,重点发言. 精密工程1999 ; 23 (3) :185 - 95 .

[ 4 ]弗朗西男,Galetto男,乐. 管理的测量.设计关键指标和业绩计量系统. 柏林:施出版社; 2007年.国际书号:978-3-540-73211-2.


On-line diagnostics in the Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS) Fiorenzo Franceschini∗, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Sistemi di Produzione ed Economia dell’Azienda (DISPEA), Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 - Torino, Italy Keywords:

Mobile measuring system Coordinate metrology Dimensional measurements

Large-scale metrology


Localization algorithms

On-line diagnostics


Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS) is a wireless-sensor-network based systemdeveloped at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA – Politecnico di Torino. It has been designed to perform simple and rapid indoor dimensional measurements of large-size volumes (large-scale metrology).

It is made up of three basic parts: a “constellation” of wireless devices (Crickets), a mobile probe, and a PC to store and elaborate data. Crickets and mobile probe

utilize ultrasound (US) transceivers in order to evaluate mutual distances.

The system makes it possible to calculate the position – in terms of spatial coordinates – of the object points “touched” by the probe. Acquired data are then available for different types of elaboration (determination of distances, curves or surfaces of measured objects).

In order to protect the system against causes of error such as, for example, US signal diffraction and reflection, external uncontrolled US sources (key jingling, neon blinking, etc.), or software non-acceptable solutions, MScMS implements some statistical tests for on-line diagnostics. Three of them are deeply analyzed in this paper: “energy model-based diagnostics”, “distance model-based diagnostics”, and “sensor physical diagnostics”. For each measurement, if all these tests are satisfied at once, the measured result may be considered acceptable with a specific confidence coefficient. Otherwise, the measurement is rejected.

After a general description of the MScMS, the paper focuses on the description of these three online

diagnostic tools. Some preliminary results achieved by the system prototype are also presented and discussed.

1. Introduction

In many industrial fields (for example, automotive and aerospace) dimensional measurements of large-size objects should be easily and rapidly taken [1–5]. Nowadays, the problem can be handled using many metrological systems, based on different technologies (optical, mechanical, electromagnetic, etc.). These systems are more or less adequate, depending on measuring conditions, user’s experience and skill, cost, accuracy, portability, etc. In general formeasuring medium–large-size objects, portable systems can be preferred to fixed ones. Transferring the measuring system to the measured object place is often more practical than the vice-versa [1]. This paper analyzes the Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS), which has been developed at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA – Politecnicodi Torino [6].

MScMS is a wireless-sensor-network based system, designed to perform dimensional measurements ofmedium–large-size objects(for example, longerons of railway vehicles, airplane wings, fuselages,etc.). These objects can hardly be measured by traditional coordinatemeasurement systems, such as, for example, Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) because of their limited working volume [7,1]. MScMS working principle is very similar to that of well-known NAVSTAR GPS (NAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System) [8]. The main difference is that MScMS is based on ultrasound (US) technology to evaluate spatial distances, instead of radiofrequency (RF).MScMSis easily adaptable to different measuring environments and does not require complex procedures for installation, start-up or calibration [6].

The aim of this paper is to describe the on-line diagnostics tools implemented in the system in order to continuously monitor measurement reliability.

2. The concept of “reliability of a measurement”

If we refer to the field of CMMs, the concept of “on-line metrological

performance verification” is strictly related to the notion of “on-line self-diagnostics”

[5,9]. In a same sense, this approach is “complementary” to that of uncertainty evaluation [10–15]. In general, the on-line measurement verification is a guarantee for the preservation of a measurement system characteristics (including accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility) [16,17]. The effect of a measuring system degradation is the production of “non-reliable measurements”.

In general, we can define the concept of “reliability of a measurement” as follows.

3. MScMS technological and operating features

MScMS prototype is made up of three main components (see Fig. 1) [6]:

- a constellation (network) of wireless devices (Crickets), opportunely arranged around the working area;

- a measuring probe, communicating via ultrasound transceivers (US) with constellation devices in order to obtain the coordinates of the touched points;

- a computing and controlling system (PC), receiving and processing data sent by the mobile probe, in order to evaluate objects

geometrical features.

The measuring probe is a mobile system hosting two wireless devices, a tip to touch the surface points of the measured objects and a trigger to activate data acquisition (see Fig. 2) [6]. Given the geometrical characteristics of the mobile probe, the tip coordinates can be univocally determined by means of the spatial coordinates of the two probe Crickets [6].

4. MScMS diagnostic system

Fig. 5. An example of 2D mass–spring system. Three reference nodes (_x1, _x2, _x3) with known position are linked by springs to the point to be localized (_xP ). Being based upon US technology, MScMS is sensible to many influencing factors. US signals may be diffracted and reflected by obstacles interposed between two devices, external uncontrolled events can become undesirable US wave sources and even positioning algorithms can lead to non-acceptable solutions. These and other potential causes of accidental measurement

errors must be taken under control to assure proper levels of accuracy.

With the aim of protecting the system, MScMS implements a series of statistical tests for on-line diagnostics. Three of them are analyzed in the following sections: - “energy model-based diagnostics”;

- “distance model-based diagnostics”;

- “sensor physical diagnostics”.

5. Conclusion

MScMSis an innovative wireless measuring systemcomplementar to CMMs. A protot

ype of this system has been developed at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA Politecnico di Torino. It is portable, not too much expensive, and suitable for large-scale metrology (uneasy on conventional CMMs).

Some innovative aspects of the system concern its on-line diagnostics tools. When dealing with measurement systems, the importance of a good diagnostics of produced measures is crucial for applications in which errors can lead to serious consequences.

The diagnostics tools described in this paper, all based on the concept of “reliability of a measurement”, enable MScMS user to reject measurements which do not satisfy a series of statistical acceptance tests with a given confidence coefficient. For eachmeasurement, if all these tests are satisfied at once, the measured result is considered acceptable. Otherwise, the measurement is rejected.

After rejection, the operator is asked to redo the measurement, changing the orientation/positioning of the probe or, if it is necessary, beacons arrangement in the system network.

In same cases, the system might force to repeat a measurement too many times, causing an excessive extension of the measurement duration. This problem can be overcome by changing the configuration of the constellation.

Futurework, aswell as improving the power of the existing tools, will be aimed to enrich MScMS control system by implementing additional tools able to steer the operator during measurement. For example, suggesting the position of the probe in the measuring volume, or proposing possible extensions of the network of beacons, or automatically filtering and/or correcting corrupted measurements.

6. Three coordinates measuring instrument profile

Three dollars and name is mechanical measuring three coordinates an essential tool.

Tri-ordinate measuring machine, it is to point to in one hexahedral space can behave, within the scope of geometry, length and circumferential indexing, etc, and the instrument measurement capabilities three coordinates measuring instrument or called three coordinates quantity bed.

Tri-ordinate measuring instrument can be defined as "a has can make three direction of detectors, can be in three mutually perpendicular guide rail to move, the probe contact or non-contact signal means such as the three shaft transmit system (as displacement measurement by optical ruler data processor or computer calculation, etc all point coordinates the needed parts (X, Y, Z) and various function measurement instrument". Tri-ordinate measuring instrument measurement function should include size accuracy, positioning accuracy, geometry precision and contour precision, etc.

A few decades ago, three coordinates measuring instrument industry is only few people know. Since the 1960's, because electronic, computer and sensor technology development, the three coordinates functions and application of measuring apparatus, also improved many, make the manufacturing industry can achieve high quality, high efficiency and multifunctional etc measurement requirements. So quality management department can to size of workpiece geometry and outline, such as rapid an

d accurate measuring reach.

Refer From mechanical speaking, coordinate measuring machine (three yuan) advantages are:

1 the key -, and technological progress coordinate measuring machine for the advancement of science and technology, make a coordinate measuring machine practical, and have many different measurement function. The key technological progress as follows: floating bearing, each face -axes air-float bearing mobile use, make head mobile smooth, measuring precision measurement can be very moving head; Optical linear feet, cooperate installed on the machine coordinate system, optical linear feet nubile can very precise coordinate measuring value; have to win Computer equipment, coordinate measuring machine adopts calculation method of obtaining measurements results, data processor and has the measuring software, increased the function of coordinate measuring machine. Due to the above three technological progress, make a coordinate measuring machine has the superior measurement function.

2, the advantages of coordinate measuring machine are as follows: A, in space detection head along the X, Y, Z three axial movement, its are scrambling to right standard or polar said.

B, workpiece cube of five sides are measurable, need not transform workpiece position, if installed with proper jigs and special measure head, sixth surface can also measured. C, coordinate measuring machine operation and measure the work, do not need special technology can do the job

D, can be in any position, set, and to work axis indirect measurement result calculated main algorithm, increasing the function and using the elastic measurement. E, using computer data processor, quickly and accurately calculate the measured value, cooperate to teach program of CMM measuring Richard work automation. F, replace traditional measurement methods to improve the inspection accuracy, and for high precision products, can 100 percent inspection.

G, complex workpiece and measure the difficulty of workpiece is high, can be measured accurately. H, sharply reduce inspection time, inspection charges, inspection human, increase measurement efficiency.ences

Coordinate measuring machine type can be divided into:

1, right Angle coordinate system: including painting line machine, cantilever, bridge posture;

2, joint coordinate system: joint coordinate measuring machine by differential, this type of measurement section coordinate system with measured along the surface of workpiece mobile, head to the joint Angle will guide the change by decoder, the angular measuring know each axis, the joint coordinates of homogeneous transformation type, can move through the axis quantity.

(the market typically have: the epithet in three times yuan, video images, three times the CNC three yuan RMB, economical three yuan, optical image measuring instr

ument, longmen type three yuan, CNC automatic big three yuan, schedule of non-contact three yuan, optical tri-ordinate measuring machine, three coordinates measuring instrument, three-dimensional coordinates, optical three yuan, probe type three times yuan, economical manual three yuan measuring machine, high precision automatic three yuan measuring machine, measuring type three yuan measuring machine, three yuan measuring machine, second yuan measuring instrument, three yuan measuring instrument, three yuan, activity bridge type three yuan measuring machine, fixed bridge type three yuan measuring instrument)

Actually three times by exposure to $workpiece surface can be divided into: touch coordinate measuring machine and contactless coordinate measuring machine. Coordinate measuring machine will contact with floating bearing introduced above, and the measuring of the head non-contact coordinate measuring machine refers to our present market called image type precision surveying and mapping three yuan. Its function generally have:

1, CNC electric desktop: (in a software function control working mesa, increase operation personnel use and operational convenience)

2, CNC automatic measurement: the set automatically according to customers can be automatically measure the product size, measured values can be automatically forwarded to Excel generate statistics report.

3, SPC data conversion (process capability analysis) : can the measured data output to Excel analysis.

4, AutoCAD standard engineering drawing can be input: the standard engineering graphics directly AutoCAD input to the images of surveying and mapping apparatus software, make AutoCAD engineering drawings with actual workpiece appearance, comparing overlapping so as to find out the difference between workpieces and engineering drawing.

5, graphics output to AutoCAD and automatically adjust: according to the real-time image can be described according to the actual workpiece appearance according to the actual needs of the graphics to set automatically benchmark and right during transmission.

6, automatic take line, take round: need not with the artificially take line or round in a certain range, can be automatically capture software most accurate linear or circular.

8, scanning workpiece appearance as action map: smother origin (appearance chart) form to become action map, if with the mouse is workbench will automatically will you click moved to screen center.

Meter 9, JPEG images input: input previously stored in the photo JPEG image the actual workpiece real-time image overlapping contrast.

10 and urumqi-kuitun jiangshan graph: all the graphics observable workpiece similar AutoCAD zoom function.

11, in the view of all the floor-kan uriah to mark the floor-kan: the ability to size. To mark in the map

12, custom round: according to customer's need can be defined standard graph (since by customers to define round circle coordinates, diameter, radius). Again with t

he standard for the workpiece circular and image contrast, thus find overlapping between the workpiece and standard error of graphics.

13, custom line: the customer to define the starting point coordinates counting, length, rotating Angle, again with images as the workpiece, thus find overlapping contrast between the workpiece and standard error of graphics.

14, direct drawing: move work table, to direct ShiZiXian center line, circle, arc drawing not only can be in AutoCAD directly generate graphics while in surveying and mapping apparatus software images also generate the same shape and position of the graphics.

15, custom coordinates customer: can the need according to customer itself in the actual live video of workpiece set automatically coordinates origin (0, 0), again with (0, 0) point as a benchmark in picture as point point X, Y marked position.

16, coordinates with his label set coordinates origin (0, 0) as a benchmark, tagging map coordinates arbitrary point.

17, patent take R Angle function: for the present market condition accurate plane take R Angle way.

18, measurement: measurable any plane geometry size (Angle, diameter, radius, point to the line of the distance and round eccentric, two round spacing, etc.).

20, automatic capturing graphics line can be automatically capture each node: the starting point, the halfway point, line intersection of two line ending and the circle and circumference, three node, used to help mark drawing application function.

21, will product appearance stroke, trace graphics, can turn to AutoCAD forming engineering drawings

Three times in ACG bound, three times to explain: $$the normal social reality is refers to circle. The world beyond OTAKU.

Tri-ordinate measuring machine measurement method for the CMM measuring product features according to need usually divided into non-contact measurement, non-contact measurement and contact with non-contact composite measurement, currently tri-ordinate measuring machine have been widely used in automotive, aerospace, mould and machining field and in the school scientific research units also widely used to boost domestic product overall competitiveness to get not the effect that cannot ignore. Tri-ordinate measuring instrument of measuring method of classification: 1, non-contact probe measurement 3 coordinates measuring meters (most commonly used the most common use); 2, image composite tri-ordinate measuring apparatus; Three, laser composite tri-ordinate measuring instrument (mainly applied to product measurement and reverse copy several scan); We will according to customer's product features and provide the most suitable for the customer measurement requirements of measurement products. Tri-ordinate measuring machine detailed technical consultancy please point consult our technical service center 7 * 24 hours service hotline: 0769-81601125 81601126 tri-ordinate measuring machine measurement method for the CMM usually divided into contacting measurement, non-contact measurement and contact with non-contact measurement by type. Among them, the interfa

ce measurement methods used to machining product, pressure molding products, metal film, the measurement. In order to analyze the work piece and process data, or provide workpiece for reverse engineering, often need the original information with tri-ordinate measuring machine is applied to the surface of workpiece data point to scan. Tri-ordinate measuring machine scanning operation is application in DMIS program on the surface of the object to be tested in a particular area within the data collection point, this area can be a line, a flat, parts of a section, parts a certain distance from the curve or edge of zhou line etc. The tested object under three sit


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[4] Franceschini F, Galetto M, Maisano. Management by measurement. Designing key indicators and performance measurement systems. Berlin: Springer-

Verlag; 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-73211-2.

三坐标测量机外文翻译 在线诊断的移动空间坐标测量系统( MScMS )

Fiorenzo Franceschini∗, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacom (都灵理工大学,部的生产系统和经济学(DISPEA),高碌街公爵教堂阿布拉兹24 ,10129-都灵,意大利)

摘 要:移动空间坐标测量系统(MScMS)是一个由意大利都灵大学生产系统与商务经济系的工业测量与质量工程实验室的实验基础之上发展起来的无线传感器主导网络。它的功能是用来实现简单和快速地进行大规模室内三维测量。



为了避免这个系统发生错误,如超声波的衍射和发射、外界因素(例如钥匙碰撞产生的响声、氖光闪烁等)对超声波的干扰、软件不兼容的解决方案等,MScMS系统运用了统计学试验来进行在线诊断。这篇文章对 “基于模型的能源诊断学”、“基于模型的距离诊断学”、和“传感器物理诊断学” 这三个问题进行了详细的论述。对于每个测量,如果所有这些试验都通过了,则测量的结果会被认为是一个确实可信的特定系数,否则,测量结果会被拒绝。







MScMS系统的工作原来与著名的NAVSTAR GPS(卫星计时导航和全球定位测距系统)十分相似。他们的主要区别在于MScMS运用超声波技术而不是射频技术来估算空间距离。它非常容易适应不同的测量环境,而且不需要很复杂的安装、启动和校验过程。





一般来说,我们可以定义“测量的可靠性”的概念如下:对于每个可测量的值X,我们可以定义一个可接受的区间[LAL,UAL](其中LAL代表较低的接受限度,而UAL则表示较高的接受限度)LAL ≤x≤UAL,从测量系统的角度来看,一阶和二阶的系统误差率分别对应于:



系统“在线自我诊断”的问题并不是个新问题,在许多领域中,人们已经提出了很多的解决策略。在许多关键的部门,就如航空和原子能部门,它们对即时探测系统的故障有绝对的要求,这些地方典型的解决方案是基于“物理冗余”实现的。它主要由使用仪表和系统控制设备复制组成。虽然这种方法实现起来效率高,但是会对系统的造价和复杂度造成一定的影响。 3. MScMS技术和操作特性


* 星座(网络)的无线设备(蟋蟀) ,适时安排在工作区

* 测量探头,通过超声波收发沟通(美国)与星座设备,以便获得的坐标触及点;

* 一种计算和控制系统(电脑) ,接收和处理数据发送的移动探针,以评估对象几何特征。 测量探头是一个移动系统托管两个无线设备,小费触摸表面点的测量物体和触发激活数据采集(见图.2)。


4. MScMS诊断系统

图.5 .一个例子二维质量弹簧系统. 三个参考节点( _x1 , _x2 , _x3 )与众所周知的立场联系在一起的泉水点进行本地化( _xP )

以超声波技术为基础,MScMS是明智的许多影响因素。超声波的信号可衍射和反映了两国之间的障碍插嘴设备,不加控制的外部事件可以成为不受欢迎的美国波来源,甚至定位算法可导致不接 受的解决办法。这些和其他潜在原因意外测量错误必须采取的控制,以确保适当水平的精度。

目的是保护系统, MScMS实施了一系列的统计测试,在线诊断。其中三人分析了以下几个部分:

--- “能源基于模型的诊断方法” ;

--- “距离基于模型的诊断方法” ;

--- “传感器物理诊断学” 。





本文介绍的所有概念都是基于“可靠性的测量” 的基础上进行的 ,它使MScMS用户可以拒绝对于给定的置信系数,不满足一系列数据验收测试结果的测量。

对于每次测量 ,如果所有这些试验是满意的,则实测结果是可以接受的。否则,测量将被拒绝。







三坐标测量仪可定义为“一种具有可作三个方向移动的探测器,可在三个相互垂直的导轨上移动,此探测器以接触或非接触等方式传送讯号,三个轴的位移测量系统 ( 如光学尺 ) 经数据处理器或计算机等计算出工件的各点坐标(X、Y、Z)及各项功能测量的仪器”。三坐标测量仪的测量功能应包括尺寸精度、定位精度、几何精度及轮廓精度等。









F、取代传统测量方式,提高检验准确度,并且对于高精度产品,可以百分之百检验。 G、复杂的工件与测量困难度高的工件,皆可以作精确的测量。





(市场上的叫法一般有:影像式三次元, cnc三次元,影像三次元,经济型三次元,光学影像测量仪,龙门型三次元,cnc全自动大行程三次元,非接触三次元,光学三坐标测量机,三坐标测量仪,三维坐标,光学三次元,探针型三次元,经济型手动三次元测量机,高精度全自动三次元测量机,计量型三次元测量机,三次元测量机,二次元测量仪,三次元测量仪,三次元,活动桥式三次元测量机,固定桥式三次元测量仪)





















在ACG界,三次元解释为:三次元就是指现实社会的正常生活圈。OTAKU以外的世界。 三坐标测量机CMM的测量方式根据所需测量产品特性通常可分为接触式测量、非接触式测量和接触与非接触复合式测量,目前三坐标测量机已经广泛应用于汽车、航天工业、模具及机加工领域并在学校科研单位也得到了广泛使用对提升国内产品总体竞争力取到不不可忽视的作用。三坐标测量仪的测量方法分类:1、接触式探针测量三坐标测量仪(最常用使用最普遍);2、影像复合式三坐标测量仪;3、激光复合式三坐标测量仪(主要应用于产品测量与逆向抄数扫描);我们将根据客户的产品特点与测量要求提供最适合客户的测量产品。三坐标测量机详细技术咨询请来点咨询我们技术服务中心7*24小时服务热线:0769-[**************]6三坐标测量机CMM的测量方式通常可分为接触式测量、非接触式测量和接触与非接触并用式测量。其中,接触测量方式常用于机加工产品、压制成型产品、金属膜等的测量。为了分析工件加工数据,或为逆向工程提供工件原始信息,经常需要用三坐标测量机对被测工件表面进行数据点扫描。三坐标测量机的扫描操作是应用DMIS程序在被测物体表面的特定区域内进行数据点采集,该区域可以是一条线、一个面片、零件的一个截面、零件的曲线或距边缘一定距离的周线等。将被测物体置于三坐标测量空间,可获得被测物体上各测点的坐标位置,根据这些点的空间坐标值,经计算求出被测物体的几何尺寸,形状和位置。基本原理就是通过探测传感器(探头)与测量空间轴线运动的配合,对被测几何元素进行离散的空间点位置的获取,然后通过一定的数学计算,完成对所测得点(点群)的分析拟合,最终还原出被测的几何元素,并在此基础上计算其与理论值(名义值)之间的偏差,从而完成对被测零件的检验工作.三坐标测量机的组成:1、主机机械系统(X、Y、Z三轴或其它);2、测头系统;3、电气控制硬件系统;4、数据处理软件系统(测量软件);5、正向工程:产品设计--制造--检验(三坐标测量机)6、逆向工程:早期:美工设计--手工模型(1:1)--3轴靠模铣床当今:工件(模型)--维测量(三坐标测量机)--设计--制造7、逆向工程定义:将实物转变为CAD模型相关的数字化技术,几何模型重建技术和产品制造技术的总称。广义逆向工程:包括几何逆向,工艺逆向,材料逆向,管理逆向等诸多方面的系统工程。8、逆向工程设备:8.1、测量机:获得产品三维数字化数据(点云/特征);8.2、曲面/实体反求软件:对测量数据进行处理,实现曲面重构,甚至实体重构;8.3、CAD/CAE/CAM软件。8.4、数控机床;9、逆向工程中的技术难点:9.1、获得产品的数字化点云(测量扫描系统);9.2、将点云数据构建成曲面及边界,甚至是实体(逆向工程软件);9.3、与CAD/CAE/CAM系统的集成;(通用CAD/CAM/CAE软件);9.4、为快速准确地完成以上工作,需要经验丰富的专业工程师(人员)。


[ 1 ]博世茉莉.三坐标测量机和系统.马塞尔特德克尔公司; 1995年. ISBN 0-8247-9581-4.

[ 2 ] Cauchick -米格尔磷,国王吨,戴维斯学者CMM的核查:一项调查.测量1996年,17(1):1 - 16 .

[ 3 ]汉森的HN ,者Chiffre影响的工业比较坐标测量机器在斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的不确定性,重点发言. 精密工程1999 ; 23 (3) :185 - 95 .

[ 4 ]弗朗西男,Galetto男,乐. 管理的测量.设计关键指标和业绩计量系统. 柏林:施出版社; 2007年.国际书号:978-3-540-73211-2.


On-line diagnostics in the Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS) Fiorenzo Franceschini∗, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Sistemi di Produzione ed Economia dell’Azienda (DISPEA), Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 - Torino, Italy Keywords:

Mobile measuring system Coordinate metrology Dimensional measurements

Large-scale metrology


Localization algorithms

On-line diagnostics


Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS) is a wireless-sensor-network based systemdeveloped at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA – Politecnico di Torino. It has been designed to perform simple and rapid indoor dimensional measurements of large-size volumes (large-scale metrology).

It is made up of three basic parts: a “constellation” of wireless devices (Crickets), a mobile probe, and a PC to store and elaborate data. Crickets and mobile probe

utilize ultrasound (US) transceivers in order to evaluate mutual distances.

The system makes it possible to calculate the position – in terms of spatial coordinates – of the object points “touched” by the probe. Acquired data are then available for different types of elaboration (determination of distances, curves or surfaces of measured objects).

In order to protect the system against causes of error such as, for example, US signal diffraction and reflection, external uncontrolled US sources (key jingling, neon blinking, etc.), or software non-acceptable solutions, MScMS implements some statistical tests for on-line diagnostics. Three of them are deeply analyzed in this paper: “energy model-based diagnostics”, “distance model-based diagnostics”, and “sensor physical diagnostics”. For each measurement, if all these tests are satisfied at once, the measured result may be considered acceptable with a specific confidence coefficient. Otherwise, the measurement is rejected.

After a general description of the MScMS, the paper focuses on the description of these three online

diagnostic tools. Some preliminary results achieved by the system prototype are also presented and discussed.

1. Introduction

In many industrial fields (for example, automotive and aerospace) dimensional measurements of large-size objects should be easily and rapidly taken [1–5]. Nowadays, the problem can be handled using many metrological systems, based on different technologies (optical, mechanical, electromagnetic, etc.). These systems are more or less adequate, depending on measuring conditions, user’s experience and skill, cost, accuracy, portability, etc. In general formeasuring medium–large-size objects, portable systems can be preferred to fixed ones. Transferring the measuring system to the measured object place is often more practical than the vice-versa [1]. This paper analyzes the Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System (MScMS), which has been developed at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA – Politecnicodi Torino [6].

MScMS is a wireless-sensor-network based system, designed to perform dimensional measurements ofmedium–large-size objects(for example, longerons of railway vehicles, airplane wings, fuselages,etc.). These objects can hardly be measured by traditional coordinatemeasurement systems, such as, for example, Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) because of their limited working volume [7,1]. MScMS working principle is very similar to that of well-known NAVSTAR GPS (NAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System) [8]. The main difference is that MScMS is based on ultrasound (US) technology to evaluate spatial distances, instead of radiofrequency (RF).MScMSis easily adaptable to different measuring environments and does not require complex procedures for installation, start-up or calibration [6].

The aim of this paper is to describe the on-line diagnostics tools implemented in the system in order to continuously monitor measurement reliability.

2. The concept of “reliability of a measurement”

If we refer to the field of CMMs, the concept of “on-line metrological

performance verification” is strictly related to the notion of “on-line self-diagnostics”

[5,9]. In a same sense, this approach is “complementary” to that of uncertainty evaluation [10–15]. In general, the on-line measurement verification is a guarantee for the preservation of a measurement system characteristics (including accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility) [16,17]. The effect of a measuring system degradation is the production of “non-reliable measurements”.

In general, we can define the concept of “reliability of a measurement” as follows.

3. MScMS technological and operating features

MScMS prototype is made up of three main components (see Fig. 1) [6]:

- a constellation (network) of wireless devices (Crickets), opportunely arranged around the working area;

- a measuring probe, communicating via ultrasound transceivers (US) with constellation devices in order to obtain the coordinates of the touched points;

- a computing and controlling system (PC), receiving and processing data sent by the mobile probe, in order to evaluate objects

geometrical features.

The measuring probe is a mobile system hosting two wireless devices, a tip to touch the surface points of the measured objects and a trigger to activate data acquisition (see Fig. 2) [6]. Given the geometrical characteristics of the mobile probe, the tip coordinates can be univocally determined by means of the spatial coordinates of the two probe Crickets [6].

4. MScMS diagnostic system

Fig. 5. An example of 2D mass–spring system. Three reference nodes (_x1, _x2, _x3) with known position are linked by springs to the point to be localized (_xP ). Being based upon US technology, MScMS is sensible to many influencing factors. US signals may be diffracted and reflected by obstacles interposed between two devices, external uncontrolled events can become undesirable US wave sources and even positioning algorithms can lead to non-acceptable solutions. These and other potential causes of accidental measurement

errors must be taken under control to assure proper levels of accuracy.

With the aim of protecting the system, MScMS implements a series of statistical tests for on-line diagnostics. Three of them are analyzed in the following sections: - “energy model-based diagnostics”;

- “distance model-based diagnostics”;

- “sensor physical diagnostics”.

5. Conclusion

MScMSis an innovative wireless measuring systemcomplementar to CMMs. A protot

ype of this system has been developed at the industrial metrology and quality engineering laboratory of DISPEA Politecnico di Torino. It is portable, not too much expensive, and suitable for large-scale metrology (uneasy on conventional CMMs).

Some innovative aspects of the system concern its on-line diagnostics tools. When dealing with measurement systems, the importance of a good diagnostics of produced measures is crucial for applications in which errors can lead to serious consequences.

The diagnostics tools described in this paper, all based on the concept of “reliability of a measurement”, enable MScMS user to reject measurements which do not satisfy a series of statistical acceptance tests with a given confidence coefficient. For eachmeasurement, if all these tests are satisfied at once, the measured result is considered acceptable. Otherwise, the measurement is rejected.

After rejection, the operator is asked to redo the measurement, changing the orientation/positioning of the probe or, if it is necessary, beacons arrangement in the system network.

In same cases, the system might force to repeat a measurement too many times, causing an excessive extension of the measurement duration. This problem can be overcome by changing the configuration of the constellation.

Futurework, aswell as improving the power of the existing tools, will be aimed to enrich MScMS control system by implementing additional tools able to steer the operator during measurement. For example, suggesting the position of the probe in the measuring volume, or proposing possible extensions of the network of beacons, or automatically filtering and/or correcting corrupted measurements.

6. Three coordinates measuring instrument profile

Three dollars and name is mechanical measuring three coordinates an essential tool.

Tri-ordinate measuring machine, it is to point to in one hexahedral space can behave, within the scope of geometry, length and circumferential indexing, etc, and the instrument measurement capabilities three coordinates measuring instrument or called three coordinates quantity bed.

Tri-ordinate measuring instrument can be defined as "a has can make three direction of detectors, can be in three mutually perpendicular guide rail to move, the probe contact or non-contact signal means such as the three shaft transmit system (as displacement measurement by optical ruler data processor or computer calculation, etc all point coordinates the needed parts (X, Y, Z) and various function measurement instrument". Tri-ordinate measuring instrument measurement function should include size accuracy, positioning accuracy, geometry precision and contour precision, etc.

A few decades ago, three coordinates measuring instrument industry is only few people know. Since the 1960's, because electronic, computer and sensor technology development, the three coordinates functions and application of measuring apparatus, also improved many, make the manufacturing industry can achieve high quality, high efficiency and multifunctional etc measurement requirements. So quality management department can to size of workpiece geometry and outline, such as rapid an

d accurate measuring reach.

Refer From mechanical speaking, coordinate measuring machine (three yuan) advantages are:

1 the key -, and technological progress coordinate measuring machine for the advancement of science and technology, make a coordinate measuring machine practical, and have many different measurement function. The key technological progress as follows: floating bearing, each face -axes air-float bearing mobile use, make head mobile smooth, measuring precision measurement can be very moving head; Optical linear feet, cooperate installed on the machine coordinate system, optical linear feet nubile can very precise coordinate measuring value; have to win Computer equipment, coordinate measuring machine adopts calculation method of obtaining measurements results, data processor and has the measuring software, increased the function of coordinate measuring machine. Due to the above three technological progress, make a coordinate measuring machine has the superior measurement function.

2, the advantages of coordinate measuring machine are as follows: A, in space detection head along the X, Y, Z three axial movement, its are scrambling to right standard or polar said.

B, workpiece cube of five sides are measurable, need not transform workpiece position, if installed with proper jigs and special measure head, sixth surface can also measured. C, coordinate measuring machine operation and measure the work, do not need special technology can do the job

D, can be in any position, set, and to work axis indirect measurement result calculated main algorithm, increasing the function and using the elastic measurement. E, using computer data processor, quickly and accurately calculate the measured value, cooperate to teach program of CMM measuring Richard work automation. F, replace traditional measurement methods to improve the inspection accuracy, and for high precision products, can 100 percent inspection.

G, complex workpiece and measure the difficulty of workpiece is high, can be measured accurately. H, sharply reduce inspection time, inspection charges, inspection human, increase measurement efficiency.ences

Coordinate measuring machine type can be divided into:

1, right Angle coordinate system: including painting line machine, cantilever, bridge posture;

2, joint coordinate system: joint coordinate measuring machine by differential, this type of measurement section coordinate system with measured along the surface of workpiece mobile, head to the joint Angle will guide the change by decoder, the angular measuring know each axis, the joint coordinates of homogeneous transformation type, can move through the axis quantity.

(the market typically have: the epithet in three times yuan, video images, three times the CNC three yuan RMB, economical three yuan, optical image measuring instr

ument, longmen type three yuan, CNC automatic big three yuan, schedule of non-contact three yuan, optical tri-ordinate measuring machine, three coordinates measuring instrument, three-dimensional coordinates, optical three yuan, probe type three times yuan, economical manual three yuan measuring machine, high precision automatic three yuan measuring machine, measuring type three yuan measuring machine, three yuan measuring machine, second yuan measuring instrument, three yuan measuring instrument, three yuan, activity bridge type three yuan measuring machine, fixed bridge type three yuan measuring instrument)

Actually three times by exposure to $workpiece surface can be divided into: touch coordinate measuring machine and contactless coordinate measuring machine. Coordinate measuring machine will contact with floating bearing introduced above, and the measuring of the head non-contact coordinate measuring machine refers to our present market called image type precision surveying and mapping three yuan. Its function generally have:

1, CNC electric desktop: (in a software function control working mesa, increase operation personnel use and operational convenience)

2, CNC automatic measurement: the set automatically according to customers can be automatically measure the product size, measured values can be automatically forwarded to Excel generate statistics report.

3, SPC data conversion (process capability analysis) : can the measured data output to Excel analysis.

4, AutoCAD standard engineering drawing can be input: the standard engineering graphics directly AutoCAD input to the images of surveying and mapping apparatus software, make AutoCAD engineering drawings with actual workpiece appearance, comparing overlapping so as to find out the difference between workpieces and engineering drawing.

5, graphics output to AutoCAD and automatically adjust: according to the real-time image can be described according to the actual workpiece appearance according to the actual needs of the graphics to set automatically benchmark and right during transmission.

6, automatic take line, take round: need not with the artificially take line or round in a certain range, can be automatically capture software most accurate linear or circular.

8, scanning workpiece appearance as action map: smother origin (appearance chart) form to become action map, if with the mouse is workbench will automatically will you click moved to screen center.

Meter 9, JPEG images input: input previously stored in the photo JPEG image the actual workpiece real-time image overlapping contrast.

10 and urumqi-kuitun jiangshan graph: all the graphics observable workpiece similar AutoCAD zoom function.

11, in the view of all the floor-kan uriah to mark the floor-kan: the ability to size. To mark in the map

12, custom round: according to customer's need can be defined standard graph (since by customers to define round circle coordinates, diameter, radius). Again with t

he standard for the workpiece circular and image contrast, thus find overlapping between the workpiece and standard error of graphics.

13, custom line: the customer to define the starting point coordinates counting, length, rotating Angle, again with images as the workpiece, thus find overlapping contrast between the workpiece and standard error of graphics.

14, direct drawing: move work table, to direct ShiZiXian center line, circle, arc drawing not only can be in AutoCAD directly generate graphics while in surveying and mapping apparatus software images also generate the same shape and position of the graphics.

15, custom coordinates customer: can the need according to customer itself in the actual live video of workpiece set automatically coordinates origin (0, 0), again with (0, 0) point as a benchmark in picture as point point X, Y marked position.

16, coordinates with his label set coordinates origin (0, 0) as a benchmark, tagging map coordinates arbitrary point.

17, patent take R Angle function: for the present market condition accurate plane take R Angle way.

18, measurement: measurable any plane geometry size (Angle, diameter, radius, point to the line of the distance and round eccentric, two round spacing, etc.).

20, automatic capturing graphics line can be automatically capture each node: the starting point, the halfway point, line intersection of two line ending and the circle and circumference, three node, used to help mark drawing application function.

21, will product appearance stroke, trace graphics, can turn to AutoCAD forming engineering drawings

Three times in ACG bound, three times to explain: $$the normal social reality is refers to circle. The world beyond OTAKU.

Tri-ordinate measuring machine measurement method for the CMM measuring product features according to need usually divided into non-contact measurement, non-contact measurement and contact with non-contact composite measurement, currently tri-ordinate measuring machine have been widely used in automotive, aerospace, mould and machining field and in the school scientific research units also widely used to boost domestic product overall competitiveness to get not the effect that cannot ignore. Tri-ordinate measuring instrument of measuring method of classification: 1, non-contact probe measurement 3 coordinates measuring meters (most commonly used the most common use); 2, image composite tri-ordinate measuring apparatus; Three, laser composite tri-ordinate measuring instrument (mainly applied to product measurement and reverse copy several scan); We will according to customer's product features and provide the most suitable for the customer measurement requirements of measurement products. Tri-ordinate measuring machine detailed technical consultancy please point consult our technical service center 7 * 24 hours service hotline: 0769-81601125 81601126 tri-ordinate measuring machine measurement method for the CMM usually divided into contacting measurement, non-contact measurement and contact with non-contact measurement by type. Among them, the interfa

ce measurement methods used to machining product, pressure molding products, metal film, the measurement. In order to analyze the work piece and process data, or provide workpiece for reverse engineering, often need the original information with tri-ordinate measuring machine is applied to the surface of workpiece data point to scan. Tri-ordinate measuring machine scanning operation is application in DMIS program on the surface of the object to be tested in a particular area within the data collection point, this area can be a line, a flat, parts of a section, parts a certain distance from the curve or edge of zhou line etc. The tested object under three sit


[1] Bosch JA. Coordinate measuring machines and systems. Marcel Dekker Inc.; 1995. ISBN 0-8247-9581-4.

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