
第一部分 通用服务规范用语

一、 问候语 I. Greetings精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

1. 早上好/下午好/晚上好!先生(或女士)。

(如果知道客人的姓氏,称呼客人时最好称呼其姓氏。) Good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night,sir/ma’am!Use guest’s surname if you know it. 2. 欢迎来我们饭店。

Welcome to our hotel! 3. 欢迎光临。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


4. 认识您我很高兴。 Pleased to meet you. 5. 祝您今天过得很愉快。

Hope you have a pleasant day! 6. 您好吗? How are you?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

7. 很好,谢谢您,您呢? Fine,thank you.And you?

8. 晚上好,女士。真高兴又在这里见到您。

Good evening,ma’am.it is nice to see you here again. 9. 您近来好吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

How are you getting along these days? 10. 工作顺利吗?

How are things going? 11. 好久不见,真想念您!

Welcome back.We’ve missed you!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

第二部分 餐饮服务规范用语


1. 晚上好,欢迎光临!请问您有几位客人?

Good evening.How many are there in your party? 忌语:你好,几位?

Avoid saying:Hi,How many people? 2. 请问您有预订吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Do you have reservations?

Or: Do you have a table reserved?


3. 您喜欢中间的位子还是靠窗的位子?

Would you like a table in the middle or near the windows?

4. 对不起,先生/女士,餐厅暂时没有空位,请您到休息区稍等一会儿,10精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


I’m sorry,sir/ma’am.All the tables are full right now.Have a seat in the waiting room,and I will seat you as soon as I can,It should be about 10 minutes.

5. 实在抱歉,小姐,所有靠窗子的桌子已全部预订完了,我建议您座那边精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


I’m sorry,miss.All the window seats are taken.Would you mind sitting over here?


Avoid saying:All the tables are full right now.Please wait. 6. 打扰了,先生。请您在我们的酒吧喝一点饮料,我们马上给您找一个大


Excuse me,sir.Please sit and have a drink at the bar while I find you a larger table.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

7. 这张桌子可以吗,先生/女士?

How is this table, sir/ma’am? 忌语:这儿行吗?

Avoid saying:Is this table all right? 8. 我可以给您介绍一下我们餐厅吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Can I tell you a little about our restaurant? 忌语:我是新来的,不清楚,您问别人吧。

Avoid saying:I’m new.so I’m not too sure.Why don’t you ask someone else?


第三部分 部分岗位专业词汇表


Accounting Dept. 财务部 Account 账户 Authorization 授权 Arrangement Accept Bill Business hours Block letter By the way Bank Breakfast Check Cash Credit card Complimentary Consume Coffee Cost Correct Change精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


Ashtray Aperitif Apple pie Almond Beverage Beer Black pepper sauce Black sesame Bowl Bottled Butter Bamboo shoots Beef fillet Beef Bacon

安排 接受 账单 营业时间 正楷大写字母顺便 银行 早餐 支票 现金 信用卡 免费 消费 咖啡 花费 正确 换 烟缸 开胃酒 苹果派 杏仁 饮料 啤酒 黑胡椒汁 黑芝麻 碗精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

瓶装的 黄油 竹笋 牛柳 牛肉 咸肉

Biscuit 饼干 Black tea 红茶 Banana 香蕉 Bread 面包 Broccoli 芥兰 Braise 红烧 Cigarette 香烟 Croissant 牛角包 Chocolate 巧克力 Cocktail Chilly sauce Chef salad Curry Carrot Carb Cucumber Celery Chopstick Cheese Coconut juice Cereal Coffee Cookies Cantonese Coriander精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

鸡尾酒 辣椒酱 厨师沙拉咖喱 胡萝卜 蟹 黄瓜 旱芹 筷子 乳酪 椰汁 麦片 咖啡 曲奇 潮粤的 香菜

第一部分 通用服务规范用语

一、 问候语 I. Greetings精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

1. 早上好/下午好/晚上好!先生(或女士)。

(如果知道客人的姓氏,称呼客人时最好称呼其姓氏。) Good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night,sir/ma’am!Use guest’s surname if you know it. 2. 欢迎来我们饭店。

Welcome to our hotel! 3. 欢迎光临。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


4. 认识您我很高兴。 Pleased to meet you. 5. 祝您今天过得很愉快。

Hope you have a pleasant day! 6. 您好吗? How are you?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

7. 很好,谢谢您,您呢? Fine,thank you.And you?

8. 晚上好,女士。真高兴又在这里见到您。

Good evening,ma’am.it is nice to see you here again. 9. 您近来好吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

How are you getting along these days? 10. 工作顺利吗?

How are things going? 11. 好久不见,真想念您!

Welcome back.We’ve missed you!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

第二部分 餐饮服务规范用语


1. 晚上好,欢迎光临!请问您有几位客人?

Good evening.How many are there in your party? 忌语:你好,几位?

Avoid saying:Hi,How many people? 2. 请问您有预订吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Do you have reservations?

Or: Do you have a table reserved?


3. 您喜欢中间的位子还是靠窗的位子?

Would you like a table in the middle or near the windows?

4. 对不起,先生/女士,餐厅暂时没有空位,请您到休息区稍等一会儿,10精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


I’m sorry,sir/ma’am.All the tables are full right now.Have a seat in the waiting room,and I will seat you as soon as I can,It should be about 10 minutes.

5. 实在抱歉,小姐,所有靠窗子的桌子已全部预订完了,我建议您座那边精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


I’m sorry,miss.All the window seats are taken.Would you mind sitting over here?


Avoid saying:All the tables are full right now.Please wait. 6. 打扰了,先生。请您在我们的酒吧喝一点饮料,我们马上给您找一个大


Excuse me,sir.Please sit and have a drink at the bar while I find you a larger table.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

7. 这张桌子可以吗,先生/女士?

How is this table, sir/ma’am? 忌语:这儿行吗?

Avoid saying:Is this table all right? 8. 我可以给您介绍一下我们餐厅吗?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Can I tell you a little about our restaurant? 忌语:我是新来的,不清楚,您问别人吧。

Avoid saying:I’m new.so I’m not too sure.Why don’t you ask someone else?


第三部分 部分岗位专业词汇表


Accounting Dept. 财务部 Account 账户 Authorization 授权 Arrangement Accept Bill Business hours Block letter By the way Bank Breakfast Check Cash Credit card Complimentary Consume Coffee Cost Correct Change精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


Ashtray Aperitif Apple pie Almond Beverage Beer Black pepper sauce Black sesame Bowl Bottled Butter Bamboo shoots Beef fillet Beef Bacon

安排 接受 账单 营业时间 正楷大写字母顺便 银行 早餐 支票 现金 信用卡 免费 消费 咖啡 花费 正确 换 烟缸 开胃酒 苹果派 杏仁 饮料 啤酒 黑胡椒汁 黑芝麻 碗精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

瓶装的 黄油 竹笋 牛柳 牛肉 咸肉

Biscuit 饼干 Black tea 红茶 Banana 香蕉 Bread 面包 Broccoli 芥兰 Braise 红烧 Cigarette 香烟 Croissant 牛角包 Chocolate 巧克力 Cocktail Chilly sauce Chef salad Curry Carrot Carb Cucumber Celery Chopstick Cheese Coconut juice Cereal Coffee Cookies Cantonese Coriander精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

鸡尾酒 辣椒酱 厨师沙拉咖喱 胡萝卜 蟹 黄瓜 旱芹 筷子 乳酪 椰汁 麦片 咖啡 曲奇 潮粤的 香菜


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