





Dear Admissions Officers:

As the student counselor of Miss Vivian class when she studied in College of materials Science and Engineering, I have known her since she was a freshman. Miss Vivian stood out among her classmates as the most diligent and gifted.

In the Materials Science and Engineering department, the students are in charge of cleaning the labs and equipment. While some students shy away from the dirty work, Miss Vivian always did more than her fair share of it.  The first to arrive and the last to leave, she took pride in making sure that everything was in order and well maintained.  I thought that this demonstrated a mature attitude and her attention to every aspect of research work.

I also got to know her to be a superior student.  During class and in our frequent conversations outside of the classroom, she asked penetrating questions that showed she had a comprehensive understanding of the course material.  An independent learner, she frequently asked for suggestions of further readings that could give her a deeper understanding of her studies.

During our conversations I came to know just how dedicated to becoming an outstanding engineer that she was.  I saw the depth of her familiarity with the industrial application of materials engineering when I took the class on a trip to study a materials factory in summer vacation.  Going to the Yaohua Company's production plant, one of the largest glasses companies in China, Miss Vivian was clearly in her element.  Every time she visited the plant she carried a camera, and her notebook, taking detailed notes for future reference.  She sketched designs of the production line, and took numerous photographs.  Asking detailed questions to teachers and the plant engineers, she got an understanding of every step of the industrial processes.  While other students took breaks, Miss Vivian continued to explore the workings of the plant.  In her final examination on the project she demonstrated the depth of her understanding, getting one of the highest scores in the class.

On top of her materials engineering skills, she is also fluent in English.  As English is the international language, which most reference materials are in, it is necessary for one to be proficient in both conversational and technical English in order to be a successful researcher.

I unhesitatingly and whole-heartedly recommend Miss Vivian for admission to your program.  With her dedication and understanding she will one day be a leader in the manufacturing industry.







Dear Admissions Officers:

As the student counselor of Miss Vivian class when she studied in College of materials Science and Engineering, I have known her since she was a freshman. Miss Vivian stood out among her classmates as the most diligent and gifted.

In the Materials Science and Engineering department, the students are in charge of cleaning the labs and equipment. While some students shy away from the dirty work, Miss Vivian always did more than her fair share of it.  The first to arrive and the last to leave, she took pride in making sure that everything was in order and well maintained.  I thought that this demonstrated a mature attitude and her attention to every aspect of research work.

I also got to know her to be a superior student.  During class and in our frequent conversations outside of the classroom, she asked penetrating questions that showed she had a comprehensive understanding of the course material.  An independent learner, she frequently asked for suggestions of further readings that could give her a deeper understanding of her studies.

During our conversations I came to know just how dedicated to becoming an outstanding engineer that she was.  I saw the depth of her familiarity with the industrial application of materials engineering when I took the class on a trip to study a materials factory in summer vacation.  Going to the Yaohua Company's production plant, one of the largest glasses companies in China, Miss Vivian was clearly in her element.  Every time she visited the plant she carried a camera, and her notebook, taking detailed notes for future reference.  She sketched designs of the production line, and took numerous photographs.  Asking detailed questions to teachers and the plant engineers, she got an understanding of every step of the industrial processes.  While other students took breaks, Miss Vivian continued to explore the workings of the plant.  In her final examination on the project she demonstrated the depth of her understanding, getting one of the highest scores in the class.

On top of her materials engineering skills, she is also fluent in English.  As English is the international language, which most reference materials are in, it is necessary for one to be proficient in both conversational and technical English in order to be a successful researcher.

I unhesitatingly and whole-heartedly recommend Miss Vivian for admission to your program.  With her dedication and understanding she will one day be a leader in the manufacturing industry.



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