

1. Three fourths of the information on the internet ___ in English.

A. Am B. is C. are D. be

2. English is widely used. Many business letters around the world ___ in it. Are written B. were written

C. Are writing D. were writing

3. This pair of scissors ___ in China.

A. Make B. made C. is made D. are made

4. Three quarters of the messages _____ by telegraph.

A. Was sent B. were sent C. Sent D. send

5. In the past 10 years, China ____ up many man-made satellites.

A. has been sent B. has sent C. was sent D. sent

6. Her husband _____ since 1998

A. has been dead B. has been died

C. has died D. has dead

7. The weather _____ to be colder and colder.

A. is seemed B. was seemed

C. seems D. is seem like

8. What ___ happened ___ the forests in the US?

A. was, on B. was, to

C. has, on D. has, to

9. I don’t know what ___ last night.

A. did he happen B. he happened

C. he did happen D. happened to him

10. What ___ the forest in China in the last ten years?

A. Has happened to B. Was happened to

C. Has happened at D. Has been happened to

11. Dinosaurs ____ about 65 million years ago.

A. were disappeared B. are disappeared

C. disappeared D. disappear

12. They ___ to help the farmers with the harvest last autumn.

A. asked B. asking

C. to ask D. were asked

13. We are always kept ____.

A. to smoking B. on smoking C. from smoking D. off smoking

14. Nothing can stop us ___ English.

A. learn B. learning C. learned D. learns

15. Mary ___ some songs in her room in the morning.

A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. is heard to sing

16. Mary ___ an English song in her room last night.

A. was heard to sing B. is heard to sing

C. was heard singing D. is heard singing

17. The guide said that the dinosaur eggs ____ about 95 million years ago.

A. lay B. were lay

C. laid D. were laid

18. We found the ground ____ snow.

A. cover with B. is covered with

C. was covered with D. was covering with

19. The shop assistant showed a hat _____ red silk to us.

A. made from B. made of C. was made of D. was made from

20. We can find many pictures ____ by Xu Beihong in the museum.

A. drawing B. drawn C. drew D. to draw

21. Have these words _____ by us yesterday?

A been learnt B. learnt

C. learned D. were learnt

22. Have you heard of a dinosaur _____ feathers?

A. was covered by B. was covered with

C. covered with D. covered by

23. A long strong stick ____ the earth just now.

A .was knocked in B. was knocked into

C. knocked in D. knocked into

24. He went there and found the horse ___ to a tree.

A. tying B. tired

C. tied D. tried


1. Three fourths of the information on the internet ___ in English.

A. Am B. is C. are D. be

2. English is widely used. Many business letters around the world ___ in it. Are written B. were written

C. Are writing D. were writing

3. This pair of scissors ___ in China.

A. Make B. made C. is made D. are made

4. Three quarters of the messages _____ by telegraph.

A. Was sent B. were sent C. Sent D. send

5. In the past 10 years, China ____ up many man-made satellites.

A. has been sent B. has sent C. was sent D. sent

6. Her husband _____ since 1998

A. has been dead B. has been died

C. has died D. has dead

7. The weather _____ to be colder and colder.

A. is seemed B. was seemed

C. seems D. is seem like

8. What ___ happened ___ the forests in the US?

A. was, on B. was, to

C. has, on D. has, to

9. I don’t know what ___ last night.

A. did he happen B. he happened

C. he did happen D. happened to him

10. What ___ the forest in China in the last ten years?

A. Has happened to B. Was happened to

C. Has happened at D. Has been happened to

11. Dinosaurs ____ about 65 million years ago.

A. were disappeared B. are disappeared

C. disappeared D. disappear

12. They ___ to help the farmers with the harvest last autumn.

A. asked B. asking

C. to ask D. were asked

13. We are always kept ____.

A. to smoking B. on smoking C. from smoking D. off smoking

14. Nothing can stop us ___ English.

A. learn B. learning C. learned D. learns

15. Mary ___ some songs in her room in the morning.

A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. is heard to sing

16. Mary ___ an English song in her room last night.

A. was heard to sing B. is heard to sing

C. was heard singing D. is heard singing

17. The guide said that the dinosaur eggs ____ about 95 million years ago.

A. lay B. were lay

C. laid D. were laid

18. We found the ground ____ snow.

A. cover with B. is covered with

C. was covered with D. was covering with

19. The shop assistant showed a hat _____ red silk to us.

A. made from B. made of C. was made of D. was made from

20. We can find many pictures ____ by Xu Beihong in the museum.

A. drawing B. drawn C. drew D. to draw

21. Have these words _____ by us yesterday?

A been learnt B. learnt

C. learned D. were learnt

22. Have you heard of a dinosaur _____ feathers?

A. was covered by B. was covered with

C. covered with D. covered by

23. A long strong stick ____ the earth just now.

A .was knocked in B. was knocked into

C. knocked in D. knocked into

24. He went there and found the horse ___ to a tree.

A. tying B. tired

C. tied D. tried


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