

the respect manager:

hello!!!!! thank you for taking your time to take the time to read my resume, give me a chance to work in their love, and here i wish to extend to a professional photographer true colors accept your selection.

i red c, in october 1998 and started to fanaticism fever contact photography, during the university studied independently the

photography course and related art course, after the graduation, had to beijing for photography, to become a good professional

photographer. duonian to diligently study photography technology, in constant work, study, summarizing, technology mature gradually, with the professional accomplishment, comprehensive and exquisite

photography technology. the rich work experience, to engage in

professional photography eight years, guangzhou office has a network technology co., ltd., guangzhou a us remote service co., ltd., a visual image kaiping design co., ltd., guangzhou some packaging design co., ltd. of guangdong province, meizhou city such as a

wedding photography world photography and design company (because of the work of the factors, said the inconvenience excuse me!) , the shooting range, sanitary ware, hardware, food plastic products,

industrial exteriors, construction, household, jewelry, and cosmetics, clothing accessories, portrait, etc. good at commercial photography and related fields and photography. hardworking and honest,

industrious, for the perfect image to make unremitting efforts! i am an honest steady, extremely patient, innovative spirit, in the work, as a professional photographer, i often strict with himself: understanding the customers, the designer's intentions, in line with

"professional, dedicated, and work" principle, with meticulous

professionalism and pursuit of the perfect persistence, the greatest degree of the products unique charm dug out, let the business value of the products get maximum protruding shows, to provide customers with the best quality, the most suitable for need photos. zoellick, carefully shooting each photo, photo quality common got designers, customer high praise.

duonian work, tired of the move, i always expect to find a good development space, safe working environment, can exhibit director. jian case sound, the sound of the period. very look forward to further interview with you. photography works please refer to my blog!!!!! thank you!


the respect manager:

hello!!!!! thank you for taking your time to take the time to read my resume, give me a chance to work in their love, and here i wish to extend to a professional photographer true colors accept your selection.

i red c, in october 1998 and started to fanaticism fever contact photography, during the university studied independently the

photography course and related art course, after the graduation, had to beijing for photography, to become a good professional

photographer. duonian to diligently study photography technology, in constant work, study, summarizing, technology mature gradually, with the professional accomplishment, comprehensive and exquisite

photography technology. the rich work experience, to engage in

professional photography eight years, guangzhou office has a network technology co., ltd., guangzhou a us remote service co., ltd., a visual image kaiping design co., ltd., guangzhou some packaging design co., ltd. of guangdong province, meizhou city such as a

wedding photography world photography and design company (because of the work of the factors, said the inconvenience excuse me!) , the shooting range, sanitary ware, hardware, food plastic products,

industrial exteriors, construction, household, jewelry, and cosmetics, clothing accessories, portrait, etc. good at commercial photography and related fields and photography. hardworking and honest,

industrious, for the perfect image to make unremitting efforts! i am an honest steady, extremely patient, innovative spirit, in the work, as a professional photographer, i often strict with himself: understanding the customers, the designer's intentions, in line with

"professional, dedicated, and work" principle, with meticulous

professionalism and pursuit of the perfect persistence, the greatest degree of the products unique charm dug out, let the business value of the products get maximum protruding shows, to provide customers with the best quality, the most suitable for need photos. zoellick, carefully shooting each photo, photo quality common got designers, customer high praise.

duonian work, tired of the move, i always expect to find a good development space, safe working environment, can exhibit director. jian case sound, the sound of the period. very look forward to further interview with you. photography works please refer to my blog!!!!! thank you!


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