
after school make model planes in the evening watch TV in the afternoon go roller-skating go ice-skating on weekends go fishing the teachers’ office on the first floor the art classroom

the second room on the second floor

the computer lab on the third floor Building No.5

right beside the grey building the police station in front of the tall building the red building behind the drugstore

the cinema

beside the supermarket listen to play the piano high fever three times a day blood test May Day visit




Shanhaiguan World Earth Day pick up litter Tree-planting Day Children’s Day go to cinemas May Day

go to a science museum National Day New Year’s Day go to a puppet show go to an amusement park


eat zongzi

Visit their friends and relatives see lantern show at night fly your kite cross the street walk your dog No swimming Keep off the grass Don’t pick flowers No littering fall into the water skate

fall and hurt yourself go roller-skating cross the street get hit by a car push in the crowd play in the car park talk in the reading room pick flowers No pushing No talking No running

No littering

b roke Maomao’s toy car broke the cup

kicked the ball into the lake lost the key to our house spilled the milk lost my new cap

hit somebody on my way home Lala wet it

my sister picked some I broke it No talking No cellphones No food and drinks No photos fly kites working people national holiday the Dragon Boat Festival in the Chinese calendar dragon boat race the Mid-Autumn Festival

after school make model planes in the evening watch TV in the afternoon go roller-skating go ice-skating on weekends go fishing the teachers’ office on the first floor the art classroom

the second room on the second floor

the computer lab on the third floor Building No.5

right beside the grey building the police station in front of the tall building the red building behind the drugstore

the cinema

beside the supermarket listen to play the piano high fever three times a day blood test May Day visit




Shanhaiguan World Earth Day pick up litter Tree-planting Day Children’s Day go to cinemas May Day

go to a science museum National Day New Year’s Day go to a puppet show go to an amusement park


eat zongzi

Visit their friends and relatives see lantern show at night fly your kite cross the street walk your dog No swimming Keep off the grass Don’t pick flowers No littering fall into the water skate

fall and hurt yourself go roller-skating cross the street get hit by a car push in the crowd play in the car park talk in the reading room pick flowers No pushing No talking No running

No littering

b roke Maomao’s toy car broke the cup

kicked the ball into the lake lost the key to our house spilled the milk lost my new cap

hit somebody on my way home Lala wet it

my sister picked some I broke it No talking No cellphones No food and drinks No photos fly kites working people national holiday the Dragon Boat Festival in the Chinese calendar dragon boat race the Mid-Autumn Festival


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