


1. A: How are you doing?【这几乎成了李阳疯狂英语学生的专利!】 B1: I'm doing fine / OK / pretty well / great /super / terrific / just so-so.

B2: Not bad. / The same as always. / I can't complain.

B3: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.

2.A: How's it going?B: Fine. / Pretty good

3.A1. How's everything with you? B1.So far so good.(目前为止一切都好。) A2: How's everything going? B2.Buzzing,just buzzing.(简直忙死了。)

4. A: How have you been? B:I’ve been all right/I’ve been really busy.

5. A1: How are things with you?/ How are things going?B: Everything is great.(tings 局面、事情)


Kim’s Note: In western culture close friends and even family members thank each other for the slightest help or favor. This is very different from China! A simple task like opening a door or filling out a form is seen as expected behavior among friends. There is no need to thank!


Between good friends, parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, Chinese consider it unnecessary to stick to polite formulas. They seldom make compliments of each other and do not keep thanking each other all the time. They would feel uncomfortable in that way, or awkward doing this. Friends think that the relationship is getting dry, or assume that they have problems in their relationship. In English speaking countries, however, the situation is the opposite. No matter to whom, even for parents to their little child, everyone expresses thanks to those who help and offer assistance. The phenomenon is described as “acting as an example to others” and “equality of human rights”.


Express thanks at all times and do not be surprised when others do so. Replying to a request for help

A:Could you do me a favor? B:I’d be glad to.

A:Could you please help me with …? B:Sure, no problem A:Can you help me? B:I’ll do my best.

A:Will you do me a favor by (doing something)? B:With pleasure Thanks and Response

A.Thank you very much.B: Not at all.

A: I can’t thank you enough. B: Don’t mention it.

A.Thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome.

A: I really appreciate it. B: It’s my pleasure



1. A: How are you doing?【这几乎成了李阳疯狂英语学生的专利!】 B1: I'm doing fine / OK / pretty well / great /super / terrific / just so-so.

B2: Not bad. / The same as always. / I can't complain.

B3: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.

2.A: How's it going?B: Fine. / Pretty good

3.A1. How's everything with you? B1.So far so good.(目前为止一切都好。) A2: How's everything going? B2.Buzzing,just buzzing.(简直忙死了。)

4. A: How have you been? B:I’ve been all right/I’ve been really busy.

5. A1: How are things with you?/ How are things going?B: Everything is great.(tings 局面、事情)


Kim’s Note: In western culture close friends and even family members thank each other for the slightest help or favor. This is very different from China! A simple task like opening a door or filling out a form is seen as expected behavior among friends. There is no need to thank!


Between good friends, parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, Chinese consider it unnecessary to stick to polite formulas. They seldom make compliments of each other and do not keep thanking each other all the time. They would feel uncomfortable in that way, or awkward doing this. Friends think that the relationship is getting dry, or assume that they have problems in their relationship. In English speaking countries, however, the situation is the opposite. No matter to whom, even for parents to their little child, everyone expresses thanks to those who help and offer assistance. The phenomenon is described as “acting as an example to others” and “equality of human rights”.


Express thanks at all times and do not be surprised when others do so. Replying to a request for help

A:Could you do me a favor? B:I’d be glad to.

A:Could you please help me with …? B:Sure, no problem A:Can you help me? B:I’ll do my best.

A:Will you do me a favor by (doing something)? B:With pleasure Thanks and Response

A.Thank you very much.B: Not at all.

A: I can’t thank you enough. B: Don’t mention it.

A.Thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome.

A: I really appreciate it. B: It’s my pleasure


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