
protoplasm 翻译为“原生质”,cytoplasm 翻译为“细胞质”,cytosol 翻译为“细胞质基质”或“细胞质液”。原生质包含的范围更广一些,活着的细胞所有部分构成了原生质,注意,包括细胞膜,不包括细胞壁,而细胞质的范围就小些,一般指细胞核和细胞膜之间的所有部分。而细胞质基质就是指细胞质的液体部分。所以从范围上说,protoplasm 大于cytoplasm 大于cytosol 。

1.Which one of the following is not a way for plant cell to absorb water?

A. Diffusion扩散

B Bulk flow 集流

C Osmosis 渗透

D Carrier-mediated transport 载体运输


2.The dried seeds absorb water mainly through______, which greatly depends on the value of ______

A.Osmosis, Ψs渗透,渗透势

B.Active absorption, Ψp主动吸收,压力势

C.Passive absorption, Ψs被动吸收,渗透势

D.Imbibition, Ψm吸胀作用,衬质势


3.The value of osmotic (solute) potential Ψs of a solution (not pure water) is always______溶液的渗透势永远是负的






4.For a mature plant cell which contains a central vacuole, the water potential equals_____

A.The sum of Ψp, Ψs, and Ψm压力、渗透、衬质

B.The sum of Ψp and Ψm

C.The sum of Ψp and Ψs

D.Ψs minus Ψm


5.____is the major force of the Cohesion-Tension Theory of water movement in plants.

A.Transpiration pull拉力牵引力

B.Guttation 吐水作用

C.Root pressure根压

D.Atmospheric pressure大气压


二、判断题 (共 20.00 分)

1.Electrochemical potential gradients include not only concentration component, but also electrical potential componentA. 正确B. 错误



Under normal conditions, the most important components of water potential of a plant cell are gravity pot ential and matrix potential.A. 正确B. 错误Z 最重要的不是重力势和衬质势


三、名词解释 (共 30.00 分)

Define 1 Water potential is the chemical potential of water divided by the partial molar volume of water (the

–volume of 1 mol of water). Water potential is a measure of the free energy of water per unit volume (J·m 3) relative to

pure water in reference conditions.

2 Bulk flow is the collective movement of groups of molecules in the same direction in response to a pressure

gradient, which in plant physiology refers to the movement of water from the soil up through the plant to the leaf tissue or the long-distance transport of water through the conducting cells of xylem tissue.

3 Symplastic pathway to the vascular stele involves cell to cell transport by plasmodesmata, which are channels of cytoplasm lined by plasma membrane that transverse cell walls.

4 The cohesion-tension theoryis an explanation for the ascent of sap. According to this theory, the driving force of long-distance water transport is transpiration.

5 Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.

名词解释 1 水势 每偏摩尔体积水的化学势差 即体系中水的化学势与处于等温、等压条件下纯水的化学势之差 再除以水的偏摩尔体积的商。通过两地间的水势差可判别它们之间水流的方向,即水分总是从水势高处流向水势低处,直到两处水势差为零为止。

2 集流 指液体中成群的原子或分子在压力梯度作用下向同一方向移动 如水分从土壤进入植物体或水分在木质部中的远距离运输。

3 共质体途径 指水分从一个细胞的细胞质经过胞间连丝移动到另一个细胞的细胞质 胞间连丝是沟通相邻细胞质的通道。

4 内聚力-张力学说 在植物根细胞吸水的机制中 植物蒸腾作用产生的巨大负静水压可以驱动水分向上运输 该假说称为内聚力-张力学说。

5 蒸腾作用 水分从植物地上部分 如叶子、茎和花以水蒸汽状态散失到大气中的过程。

protoplasm 翻译为“原生质”,cytoplasm 翻译为“细胞质”,cytosol 翻译为“细胞质基质”或“细胞质液”。原生质包含的范围更广一些,活着的细胞所有部分构成了原生质,注意,包括细胞膜,不包括细胞壁,而细胞质的范围就小些,一般指细胞核和细胞膜之间的所有部分。而细胞质基质就是指细胞质的液体部分。所以从范围上说,protoplasm 大于cytoplasm 大于cytosol 。

1.Which one of the following is not a way for plant cell to absorb water?

A. Diffusion扩散

B Bulk flow 集流

C Osmosis 渗透

D Carrier-mediated transport 载体运输


2.The dried seeds absorb water mainly through______, which greatly depends on the value of ______

A.Osmosis, Ψs渗透,渗透势

B.Active absorption, Ψp主动吸收,压力势

C.Passive absorption, Ψs被动吸收,渗透势

D.Imbibition, Ψm吸胀作用,衬质势


3.The value of osmotic (solute) potential Ψs of a solution (not pure water) is always______溶液的渗透势永远是负的






4.For a mature plant cell which contains a central vacuole, the water potential equals_____

A.The sum of Ψp, Ψs, and Ψm压力、渗透、衬质

B.The sum of Ψp and Ψm

C.The sum of Ψp and Ψs

D.Ψs minus Ψm


5.____is the major force of the Cohesion-Tension Theory of water movement in plants.

A.Transpiration pull拉力牵引力

B.Guttation 吐水作用

C.Root pressure根压

D.Atmospheric pressure大气压


二、判断题 (共 20.00 分)

1.Electrochemical potential gradients include not only concentration component, but also electrical potential componentA. 正确B. 错误



Under normal conditions, the most important components of water potential of a plant cell are gravity pot ential and matrix potential.A. 正确B. 错误Z 最重要的不是重力势和衬质势


三、名词解释 (共 30.00 分)

Define 1 Water potential is the chemical potential of water divided by the partial molar volume of water (the

–volume of 1 mol of water). Water potential is a measure of the free energy of water per unit volume (J·m 3) relative to

pure water in reference conditions.

2 Bulk flow is the collective movement of groups of molecules in the same direction in response to a pressure

gradient, which in plant physiology refers to the movement of water from the soil up through the plant to the leaf tissue or the long-distance transport of water through the conducting cells of xylem tissue.

3 Symplastic pathway to the vascular stele involves cell to cell transport by plasmodesmata, which are channels of cytoplasm lined by plasma membrane that transverse cell walls.

4 The cohesion-tension theoryis an explanation for the ascent of sap. According to this theory, the driving force of long-distance water transport is transpiration.

5 Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.

名词解释 1 水势 每偏摩尔体积水的化学势差 即体系中水的化学势与处于等温、等压条件下纯水的化学势之差 再除以水的偏摩尔体积的商。通过两地间的水势差可判别它们之间水流的方向,即水分总是从水势高处流向水势低处,直到两处水势差为零为止。

2 集流 指液体中成群的原子或分子在压力梯度作用下向同一方向移动 如水分从土壤进入植物体或水分在木质部中的远距离运输。

3 共质体途径 指水分从一个细胞的细胞质经过胞间连丝移动到另一个细胞的细胞质 胞间连丝是沟通相邻细胞质的通道。

4 内聚力-张力学说 在植物根细胞吸水的机制中 植物蒸腾作用产生的巨大负静水压可以驱动水分向上运输 该假说称为内聚力-张力学说。

5 蒸腾作用 水分从植物地上部分 如叶子、茎和花以水蒸汽状态散失到大气中的过程。


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