
硬 脂 酸 钙

Calcium Stearate

一、产品说明 Introduction


英文名:Calcium stearate

分子式:Ca[CH3(CH2)16COO]2 二、性质 Characters


Calcium stearate is kind of fine white powder with greasy touch sense, soluble in hot water, methylbenzene, ethanol and other organic solvents, innoxious, slowly decomposes into stearic acid and calcium salts when it is heated to 400℃. 三、主要用途 Applications


Calcium stearate is widely applied in food, medicine, cosmetic, plastic, rubber fields, mainly function as lubricant, emulsifier, stabilizer, releasing agent, accelerant etc.It can boost the freezing rate in hard plastic product. Also it is applied in the innoxious soft film,such as food packing and medicine apparatus, can effectively improve film’s stability. It is stabilizer & lubricant in PVC and PE. It is halogen adsorbent in PE and PP, can eliminate the poor effect on resin’s color and stalibility because of catalyst remains. Besides it is widely used to improve plastic’s thermostability, better plastic’s air-conductivity, in future it will replace noxious stabilizer with same functions. 四、产品质量

包装外用编织袋内衬高压聚乙烯薄膜袋20公斤/袋,也可根据顾客协议包装。 Packing: Polywoven bag, PE film inner lined. Net wt: 20kg/bag. We also can pack according to customers’ requirements. 六、储运注意事项 Storage and Transport


It should be stored in a cool, dry place, gently loading and discharging to prevent any damage to the packages, transport according to the ordinary chemical regulations.

硬 脂 酸 钙

Calcium Stearate

一、产品说明 Introduction


英文名:Calcium stearate

分子式:Ca[CH3(CH2)16COO]2 二、性质 Characters


Calcium stearate is kind of fine white powder with greasy touch sense, soluble in hot water, methylbenzene, ethanol and other organic solvents, innoxious, slowly decomposes into stearic acid and calcium salts when it is heated to 400℃. 三、主要用途 Applications


Calcium stearate is widely applied in food, medicine, cosmetic, plastic, rubber fields, mainly function as lubricant, emulsifier, stabilizer, releasing agent, accelerant etc.It can boost the freezing rate in hard plastic product. Also it is applied in the innoxious soft film,such as food packing and medicine apparatus, can effectively improve film’s stability. It is stabilizer & lubricant in PVC and PE. It is halogen adsorbent in PE and PP, can eliminate the poor effect on resin’s color and stalibility because of catalyst remains. Besides it is widely used to improve plastic’s thermostability, better plastic’s air-conductivity, in future it will replace noxious stabilizer with same functions. 四、产品质量

包装外用编织袋内衬高压聚乙烯薄膜袋20公斤/袋,也可根据顾客协议包装。 Packing: Polywoven bag, PE film inner lined. Net wt: 20kg/bag. We also can pack according to customers’ requirements. 六、储运注意事项 Storage and Transport


It should be stored in a cool, dry place, gently loading and discharging to prevent any damage to the packages, transport according to the ordinary chemical regulations.


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