
四年级4-6单元 重点单词及句型总结


单词: bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom bed phone table sofa fridge find them


1. I have a cat. She’s cute. She’s=She is

2. She’3. Yes, she is. / No,she isn’t. Isn’t=is not

4. Open the door, please. OK.

5. They’ They’re=they are

6. Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. Aren’t=are not

On the table under the table

7. Look at that room.

8. The phone is on the table.

9. 10. Do you see my glasses? Those are not my glasses.


单词: beef chicken noodles soup

vegetable chopsticks bowl fork

knife spoon dinner ready pass try


1.I’m hungry. I’m=I am What’s for dinner? What’s=What is

2.What would you like (for dinner)?

I’ I’d=I would

Yes,please. /No,thanks.

4.I can use chopsticks.

5.Pass me the bowl.

Cut the vegetables.

Use the spoon.

Let’s try it.

6. Anything else?

7. Here’s your bill.

8.Dinner’s ready!

9.Help yourself. Thanks.


单词:parents cousin uncle aunt

baby brother doctor cook driver

farmer nurse football player basketball player

people job little puppy but


1. people are there in your family?

2. My family has six people.

3. My dad,my mum,my sister, my baby brother and me.

4. ’s tall and strong. He’s=He is

5. / No,it isn’t.

6. What’s her job. She’s a nurse.

7. What’ He’s a doctor.

8. Welcome to my home.

9. These are photos of my family.

10. Look at these photos.



am I 我

he,she,it 单数名词

they 复数名词 be is

2. have/has 有 单数第三人称用has

3. what 什么 具体答语回答 where 哪里 具体地点、位置回答

who 谁 具体人物回答 How many多少 具体人数回答

4. 一般疑问句,用Yes,No回答。Eg: Are they on the table?

Yes,they are. are

四年级4-6单元 重点单词及句型总结


单词: bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom bed phone table sofa fridge find them


1. I have a cat. She’s cute. She’s=She is

2. She’3. Yes, she is. / No,she isn’t. Isn’t=is not

4. Open the door, please. OK.

5. They’ They’re=they are

6. Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. Aren’t=are not

On the table under the table

7. Look at that room.

8. The phone is on the table.

9. 10. Do you see my glasses? Those are not my glasses.


单词: beef chicken noodles soup

vegetable chopsticks bowl fork

knife spoon dinner ready pass try


1.I’m hungry. I’m=I am What’s for dinner? What’s=What is

2.What would you like (for dinner)?

I’ I’d=I would

Yes,please. /No,thanks.

4.I can use chopsticks.

5.Pass me the bowl.

Cut the vegetables.

Use the spoon.

Let’s try it.

6. Anything else?

7. Here’s your bill.

8.Dinner’s ready!

9.Help yourself. Thanks.


单词:parents cousin uncle aunt

baby brother doctor cook driver

farmer nurse football player basketball player

people job little puppy but


1. people are there in your family?

2. My family has six people.

3. My dad,my mum,my sister, my baby brother and me.

4. ’s tall and strong. He’s=He is

5. / No,it isn’t.

6. What’s her job. She’s a nurse.

7. What’ He’s a doctor.

8. Welcome to my home.

9. These are photos of my family.

10. Look at these photos.



am I 我

he,she,it 单数名词

they 复数名词 be is

2. have/has 有 单数第三人称用has

3. what 什么 具体答语回答 where 哪里 具体地点、位置回答

who 谁 具体人物回答 How many多少 具体人数回答

4. 一般疑问句,用Yes,No回答。Eg: Are they on the table?

Yes,they are. are


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