
2005年1月8日恩波教育六级A 卷权威答案 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

21.A) They lived out a natural life

22.D) he was priest of the local church

23.B) they believe that they were responsible

24.C) there' s an explanation for everything in the world

25.D) their wishes are the cause of everything that happens

26.B) Lay down relevant local regulations themselves

27.D) the reprocessing of the huge amounts of electronic waste in the state

28.A) they contain large amounts of harmful substances

29.B) buy them from other states

30.C) exported to foreign countries

31.B) characterized by its diversity

32.A) it lacks a coordinated national program

33.D) scratches the surface of a wide range of topic

34.A) provide depth to school science education

35.C) school districts are responsible for making their own decisions

36.D) human cloning is a foolish undertaking

37.B) Its outcome remains uncertain

38.D) find out the differences between Missy and its clones

39.C) defective organs

40.A) still have a long way to go before reaching maturity Part Ⅲ Vocabulary

41.B) contemplates

42.C) signifies

43.A) injected

44.C) endeavor

45.B) descent

46.D) frustrated

47.C) deteriorate

48.A) expense

49.D) testified

50.C) spontaneous

51.A) explicit

52.B) ingenious

53.D) slack

54.C) intuition

55.A) impulse

56.C) consensus

57.B) cherishes

58.A) induce

59.D) magnified

60.A) highlight

61.B) amplify

62.C) integrated

63.D) gleam

64.A) appeal

65.D) Persistent

66.D) reside

67.C) installment

68.B) plead

69.C) verge

70.B) quota

Part IV E rror Correction

S1. a → the

S2. of → by

S3. complete → completely S4. effects → affects S5. for → to

S6. even → even if/even though S7. that → what

S8. depend → depending S9. freely → free

S10. which → which are

2005年1月8日恩波教育六级A 卷权威答案 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

21.A) They lived out a natural life

22.D) he was priest of the local church

23.B) they believe that they were responsible

24.C) there' s an explanation for everything in the world

25.D) their wishes are the cause of everything that happens

26.B) Lay down relevant local regulations themselves

27.D) the reprocessing of the huge amounts of electronic waste in the state

28.A) they contain large amounts of harmful substances

29.B) buy them from other states

30.C) exported to foreign countries

31.B) characterized by its diversity

32.A) it lacks a coordinated national program

33.D) scratches the surface of a wide range of topic

34.A) provide depth to school science education

35.C) school districts are responsible for making their own decisions

36.D) human cloning is a foolish undertaking

37.B) Its outcome remains uncertain

38.D) find out the differences between Missy and its clones

39.C) defective organs

40.A) still have a long way to go before reaching maturity Part Ⅲ Vocabulary

41.B) contemplates

42.C) signifies

43.A) injected

44.C) endeavor

45.B) descent

46.D) frustrated

47.C) deteriorate

48.A) expense

49.D) testified

50.C) spontaneous

51.A) explicit

52.B) ingenious

53.D) slack

54.C) intuition

55.A) impulse

56.C) consensus

57.B) cherishes

58.A) induce

59.D) magnified

60.A) highlight

61.B) amplify

62.C) integrated

63.D) gleam

64.A) appeal

65.D) Persistent

66.D) reside

67.C) installment

68.B) plead

69.C) verge

70.B) quota

Part IV E rror Correction

S1. a → the

S2. of → by

S3. complete → completely S4. effects → affects S5. for → to

S6. even → even if/even though S7. that → what

S8. depend → depending S9. freely → free

S10. which → which are


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