
This is to certify that _ _ Sir / madam, our staff, office XXXX annual income:

XXXX annual income:

Annual income includes salary, bonus, commission, and various subsidies, personal income tax has been paid by the work unit.

A unit ( seal)

Year, month and day

A working certificate

Proof of work

* * * * * Limited company was founded in 1995, registered capital of RMB 2000 million yuan. The company's products mainly include the * * * * * * * *.

* * in 1995 to join my company, due to the work of outstanding performance, was promoted to the * * * * * * * *, responsible for.

* * the work of a conscientious and responsible, for my company to develop a broad market, the company in the fierce competition in the market occupy a space for one person. Give * * * annual salary of 48000 yuan, the personal income tax withheld by the company.

Mr. * * * in order to better development in the future, decide to go to UK to study, I also need high-quality management personnel, so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely welcome.

Mr. * * * after returning to work in my company.

If you require any further information, please contact the company with me.

Hereby certify that.

General manager:

* * * Limited company

Year, month and day

Work certificate two

Proof of work

It is my unit XX ( Comrade) in the XX sector, engaged in XX work, professional service for XX years, hereby certify that.

Department contact: contact telephone number:

A unit ( seal)

Year, month and day

Work certificate three

Proof of work

XX school ( unit ):

Comrades, se-xual, political affiliation, ID number:. In XX XX XX to XX XX month XX day in my company XX Department engaged in XX work, work actively, collective unity, law-abiding, outstanding performance in all aspects. I units of the proof of authenticity.

Hereby certify that

Name of Institution: (seal )

Year, month and day

Work certificate four

Proof of work

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:

This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element. Hereby certify that. This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document. Cover chapter: day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day income certificate certify that my company ( XXXX company ) employees in the work of Division I XXX XX, XX XX Office Department Manager ( position), total monthly income for xx-xxx.00 yuan, after-tax salary ( or before ). XXXX company ...

Cover chapter:

Day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day

Work certificate five

Proof of work

It is my unit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Comrade) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work,

Professional life is _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby apply to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (jobs ) _ _ _ _ _ level occupation qualification have an exam,

Hereby certify that.

Note: This certificate only apply for occupation qualification certificate credentials, not for other purposes. This unit is responsible for the authenticity of the proof.

Department contact:

Contact telephone number:

Unit (seal )

Year, month and day

This is to certify that _ _ Sir / madam, our staff, office XXXX annual income:

XXXX annual income:

Annual income includes salary, bonus, commission, and various subsidies, personal income tax has been paid by the work unit.

A unit ( seal)

Year, month and day

A working certificate

Proof of work

* * * * * Limited company was founded in 1995, registered capital of RMB 2000 million yuan. The company's products mainly include the * * * * * * * *.

* * in 1995 to join my company, due to the work of outstanding performance, was promoted to the * * * * * * * *, responsible for.

* * the work of a conscientious and responsible, for my company to develop a broad market, the company in the fierce competition in the market occupy a space for one person. Give * * * annual salary of 48000 yuan, the personal income tax withheld by the company.

Mr. * * * in order to better development in the future, decide to go to UK to study, I also need high-quality management personnel, so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely welcome.

Mr. * * * after returning to work in my company.

If you require any further information, please contact the company with me.

Hereby certify that.

General manager:

* * * Limited company

Year, month and day

Work certificate two

Proof of work

It is my unit XX ( Comrade) in the XX sector, engaged in XX work, professional service for XX years, hereby certify that.

Department contact: contact telephone number:

A unit ( seal)

Year, month and day

Work certificate three

Proof of work

XX school ( unit ):

Comrades, se-xual, political affiliation, ID number:. In XX XX XX to XX XX month XX day in my company XX Department engaged in XX work, work actively, collective unity, law-abiding, outstanding performance in all aspects. I units of the proof of authenticity.

Hereby certify that

Name of Institution: (seal )

Year, month and day

Work certificate four

Proof of work

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:

This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element. Hereby certify that. This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document. Cover chapter: day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day income certificate certify that my company ( XXXX company ) employees in the work of Division I XXX XX, XX XX Office Department Manager ( position), total monthly income for xx-xxx.00 yuan, after-tax salary ( or before ). XXXX company ...

Cover chapter:

Day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day

Work certificate five

Proof of work

It is my unit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Comrade) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work,

Professional life is _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby apply to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (jobs ) _ _ _ _ _ level occupation qualification have an exam,

Hereby certify that.

Note: This certificate only apply for occupation qualification certificate credentials, not for other purposes. This unit is responsible for the authenticity of the proof.

Department contact:

Contact telephone number:

Unit (seal )

Year, month and day


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