
Ethical Dilemma (Utilitarianism)

I. Case study:

An American manager pays a visit to a factory in a very poor country, the local manager shows him around. The American manager finds a young girl is working in the factory and asks her name and age, and then he tells the local manager to fire her since hiring underage worker is a violation to the company’s rules. Without the job, the little girl has to become a prostitute to support her and her little brother. One year later, the little girl dies of AIDS, and her little brother has to beg in the street. One year later, the little boy also dies of hunger.

Now there is an ethic dilemma, we should judge whether the American Manager does in this case is right or wrong? If he knows the consequence the action brings, will he fire the little girl?

II. Presentation:

Today, in my presentation, there are totally 3 parts. First, it is the theory of Utilitarianism. Second, I’ll analyze the case according to the theory; and in the end, a conclusion will be made on the basis of Utilitarianism.

今天,在我的课堂呈现中,总共有三部分。 第一,是功利主义的理论。第二,我会就这个理论分析案例。最后,在功利主义的基础上我会做一个总结。

Now let’s move to the first part. Utilitarianism is a theory that was proposed by John Stuart Mill, a philosopher from Britain. His theory is mainly focused on the consequences of an action, rather than its process . There is a principle that defines the theory, which is called Greatest Happiness Principle. The principle means when we judge if an action is right or wrong, we should evaluate the happiness it brings.

现在让我们进入第一部分。功利主义的理论是由John Stuart Mill提出的,他是一个英国的哲学家。他的理论主要集中于一个动作的结果而非过程。有一个原则能够定义该理论,就是最大快乐原则。这个原则意思是当我们判断一个动作是好的还是坏的,我们应该评估这个动作所带来的快乐。

Next, I will say something about the case. According to the theory, I hereby divide the consequences of the case into 2 parts, one is the pleasure and the other is

the pain. First, in terms of pleasures, for companies who employ child labor, they will gain a greater profit since they pay a little money to child labor. For them, more money brings more pleasure. Regarding those families who send children to work, they will have more income, although not much, it can still help them pay bills.


Now, how about the pains? Pains will emerge simultaneously. First, for companies who employ underage workers, this behavior is immoral and as a result, they will be blamed by the society. What’s more, their reputation will be undermined. Second, for those young children , they cannot go to school, they have to work long hours, and often in a poor working condition, all these lead to pains for them. Referring to families , the income from their children is far from enough to live a decent life; besides, they can hardly gain respect and social status. In other words, they remain a disadvantaged group. Finally, for the whole society , if school age children cannot get education, in the long run, its pace of development will slow down. We all know that children represent future, when these children grow up but without necessary education, the society will fall behind others in the world. It is a great pain.


So, after comparing the pleasures and pains, it is obvious that pains far outweigh

pleasures, so employing child labor does not follow the Greatest Happiness Principle. Therefore, I think that what the American manager does in the case is right.



Question :In this Case, the little girl and her brother died in the end, the action of American manager brings pains to the little girl and her brother, how can we agree with the action of the American Manager?

Answers: That ’s a good question, first I agree with you that the action really brings pains to the girl and her brother. However, we should make it clear that the theory of Utilitarianism follows the principle of Greatest Happiness, it refers to the happiness of all parties involved, not merely one or two individual parties. IV . Suggestion:

Suggestion: in this case, we should not blame the manager and her company, since they alone don’t have enough power to change such things. However, it seems that the government has been absent throughout the whole issue, they should be responsible for the death of the girl and her brother. But in poor countries, even the government can’t do something to change the situation. The international organization can help to support and change. Like World Bank Group, the purpose of this organization is to provide these poor countries for low-interest loan, interest-free credit and donation.

Ethical Dilemma (Utilitarianism)

I. Case study:

An American manager pays a visit to a factory in a very poor country, the local manager shows him around. The American manager finds a young girl is working in the factory and asks her name and age, and then he tells the local manager to fire her since hiring underage worker is a violation to the company’s rules. Without the job, the little girl has to become a prostitute to support her and her little brother. One year later, the little girl dies of AIDS, and her little brother has to beg in the street. One year later, the little boy also dies of hunger.

Now there is an ethic dilemma, we should judge whether the American Manager does in this case is right or wrong? If he knows the consequence the action brings, will he fire the little girl?

II. Presentation:

Today, in my presentation, there are totally 3 parts. First, it is the theory of Utilitarianism. Second, I’ll analyze the case according to the theory; and in the end, a conclusion will be made on the basis of Utilitarianism.

今天,在我的课堂呈现中,总共有三部分。 第一,是功利主义的理论。第二,我会就这个理论分析案例。最后,在功利主义的基础上我会做一个总结。

Now let’s move to the first part. Utilitarianism is a theory that was proposed by John Stuart Mill, a philosopher from Britain. His theory is mainly focused on the consequences of an action, rather than its process . There is a principle that defines the theory, which is called Greatest Happiness Principle. The principle means when we judge if an action is right or wrong, we should evaluate the happiness it brings.

现在让我们进入第一部分。功利主义的理论是由John Stuart Mill提出的,他是一个英国的哲学家。他的理论主要集中于一个动作的结果而非过程。有一个原则能够定义该理论,就是最大快乐原则。这个原则意思是当我们判断一个动作是好的还是坏的,我们应该评估这个动作所带来的快乐。

Next, I will say something about the case. According to the theory, I hereby divide the consequences of the case into 2 parts, one is the pleasure and the other is

the pain. First, in terms of pleasures, for companies who employ child labor, they will gain a greater profit since they pay a little money to child labor. For them, more money brings more pleasure. Regarding those families who send children to work, they will have more income, although not much, it can still help them pay bills.


Now, how about the pains? Pains will emerge simultaneously. First, for companies who employ underage workers, this behavior is immoral and as a result, they will be blamed by the society. What’s more, their reputation will be undermined. Second, for those young children , they cannot go to school, they have to work long hours, and often in a poor working condition, all these lead to pains for them. Referring to families , the income from their children is far from enough to live a decent life; besides, they can hardly gain respect and social status. In other words, they remain a disadvantaged group. Finally, for the whole society , if school age children cannot get education, in the long run, its pace of development will slow down. We all know that children represent future, when these children grow up but without necessary education, the society will fall behind others in the world. It is a great pain.


So, after comparing the pleasures and pains, it is obvious that pains far outweigh

pleasures, so employing child labor does not follow the Greatest Happiness Principle. Therefore, I think that what the American manager does in the case is right.



Question :In this Case, the little girl and her brother died in the end, the action of American manager brings pains to the little girl and her brother, how can we agree with the action of the American Manager?

Answers: That ’s a good question, first I agree with you that the action really brings pains to the girl and her brother. However, we should make it clear that the theory of Utilitarianism follows the principle of Greatest Happiness, it refers to the happiness of all parties involved, not merely one or two individual parties. IV . Suggestion:

Suggestion: in this case, we should not blame the manager and her company, since they alone don’t have enough power to change such things. However, it seems that the government has been absent throughout the whole issue, they should be responsible for the death of the girl and her brother. But in poor countries, even the government can’t do something to change the situation. The international organization can help to support and change. Like World Bank Group, the purpose of this organization is to provide these poor countries for low-interest loan, interest-free credit and donation.


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