
1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ? Sure, here you are. 13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士). 1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ? Sure, here you are. 13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the 窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? 他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the (书房) ? Yes, 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for 晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s (工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, .(他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士). 1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).

1. What’s in the (教室) ?Many and chairs. 2. Where is the picture? It’s near the (窗户). 3. I have two (笔记本)in my schoolbag. 4. Look! The (语文书)is under the chair. 5. Look! Zhang Peng is 高)and strong. 6. Who is the boy? (他) is Tim.

7. Is Amy in the 书房) ? Yes, . 8. Are the .

9 Where are my (钢笔) ?They are on the 10.What would you like for (晚餐) ? I ’d like some chicken.

11. Would you like some (汤) ? Yes, please. 12.Can I have some (鱼) ?Sure, here you are.

13.What ’s Mr. Li’s 工作) ?He ’s a (医生). 14.Is your uncle a (司机) ?Yes, 他是) 15. My mom is a teacher. My sister is a 护士).


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