
Unit 1

Episode 2(下列没有提及的是)

1- Stealing a digital copy from仿效 the editor’s room

2- Stealing a print印刷 from companies that do subtitles副标题 or special effects.

3- bootlegging 未经许可出版品 from DVDs for sale.

Episode 3

P2P network can’t be shut down关闭 because The users for downloading its 科斯特 is just like a

use Grokster every month. Grokster is used to , movies, software and

Grokster is verdict结论 is not a mere仅仅

Rosso’s statement that he has no over what people download is merely a (遮羞布) Grokster is literally facilitating促进, allowing and helping people steal偷窃. Rosso shouldn’t be totallywith putting a stolen piece of material on his site.

Episode 4

2- Airing通风

Episode 5

1- What is the way millions of American consumers want to get their entertainment? 2- How many Americans are estimated to have downloaded file-sharing software onto their computers? 3- Instead of stopping movie downloading entirely, what will studios do?

4- What does Peter Chernin call Rosso and his likes?

5- What a fee do consumers pay to download a film from Movielink? 6-What does chernin think is a precondition前提 for Movielink to be successful?

Unit 2

Episode 2

By building an with only 130 employees 成本 of just $25 million, he ended the government’s monopoly on垄断 space travel.

The little guy had the to turn space travel into a business.

Traveling in space was a that he had when he was 12. He started with making model planes and doing . He became hooked入迷 after actually winning 品.

His airplanes are known for their , innovative design创新设计 and

Episode 3

1. When did Rutan start designing spaceships?

2. What was he able to do by the year 2000? 3. What did Rutan do after he came to realize that he could make a safe spaceship?

4. What did Paul Allen’s money mean to Rutan’s engineers?

5. How did Rutan’s engineers make the spaceship?

6. What probably inspired Rutan’s design of a new wing configuration一个新的翼外形?

Episode 4

1. J 2.A 3.CF 4. BH 5. D

Episode 5

1. According to the engineer, what has the success of Spaceship One proved?

2. What’s the deal交易 between Branson and Rutan? 3. Does Rutan think there will be a market for orbital travel轨道旅行? How do Virgin

Galactic figures bear him out维珍的数据怎么支持他?

4. What’s Rutan’s next vision下一个目标?

Unit 3

Episode 2: (下列不正确的是)

2, the Chandeleur islands香的乐群岛 are currently 60 miles away from News Orleans. 5, levees堤坝 as high as 100-foot-tall should be set up to protect the city.

6,New Orleans residents should seek refuge寻找避难 in the surrounding mountains.

Episode 3:

1. How old is Vera Fulton富尔顿? How many times has she lost her home?

2. How many generations of the Fultons live around Lizardi Street? 3. What does Irvin’s house look like now?

4. What’s the dilemma困境?

5. What’s the 100-year flood elevation洪水的海拔?

6. How many houses were uncovered by insurance没有保险的? What’s the biggest grant拨款

a family can possibly get?

Episode 4:

The levees堤坝, which have failed from or lousy讨厌的 , are now being by teams led by Colonel陆军上校 Wagenaar. Repair work will probably last until and enable the levee system to withstand抵挡 a Category 3 storm. For the levees to protect New Orleans from a storm5类风暴, the walls must be 层to 30 feet—an endeavor努力 that would cost billions of dollars.

Episode 5:

1. How did the inspectors work?

2. What information will the reports give to the city authorities?

3. Why did Centineo understand better than other officials what Katrina victims are going


4. What does “deflation通货紧缩 of the Big Easy” mean?

5. What is Meffert asking the nation国家 do?

Unit 4

Episode 2

Forged伪造 with powerful warlords and used their to drive Al-Qaeda and the Taliban out of the country.

Also turned out to be the biggest though they are part of the government, often

Is also inadequate不充分的 that it can’t pursue evidence to prove the made against the warlords. Those who are in jail are mostly .

Episode 3

1. A, G 2、E, I 3、F 4、K 5、D

Episode 4

1. What has Costa pleaded with恳求 Karzai to do?

2. What does Costa say the Afghan government should do about senior officials involved in

drug trafficking毒品交易?

3. What has been used as an excuse借口 to ignore the opium trade鸦片交易?

4. What will US troops do when they come across opium?

5. Why didn’t the US take aggressive counter narcotics actions采取激进的反毒品行动?

Episode 5

1. What’s the modest success the Afghan government has achieved in its effort to eradicate


2. What were the farmers of Kushkak promised? 3. How do the Taliban and Al-Qaeda benefit from drug trafficking?

4. What does Charles say about the importance of counter反击 narcotics? What needs to be


一个等级 that is commensurate with the threat it poses与它构成一个相等的威胁.

Unit 5

Episode 2

There’s long been a debate about how much global warming is earth’s and how much is . Evidence against humans, however, is now available due to the 35 Mayewski made into the arctic北极 and the deep he collected from glaciers. Mayewski’s research suggests that the ice and the atmosphere have man’s all over them. Human activity like , releasing and other greenhouse gases has contributed to a temperature rise that has not been seen for several years. So much greenhouse gas is in the air already that the planet would continue to even if all cars, trucks and power plants are stopped tomorrow.

Episode 3

2- More cyclones in the pacific飓风在太平洋

3- Heat waves in Europe热浪在欧洲

4- Worse hurricanes in the US.飓风在美国

Episode 4

1- What does the word “arctic” mean in ancient Greek?

2- What’s Nick Lunn’s research about?

3- What does he use to take down a bear?

4- Why did Lunn begin his study at the Wapusk National Park? 5- What does Lunn’s record through his annual checkup年度审查?

6-why is a complete loss of ice in summer a threat to the survival of polar bears?

Episode 5

1- what did skeptics say about climate change气候变化 projections推算?

2- Why does Mayewski say they owe感激 the skeptics a vote of thanks? 3- According to the correspondent通信记者, why did the Bush administration refuse to sign the treaty?

4- What does Corell say his job is?

Unit 6

Episode 2: (下列不正确的是)

1, coal is surface mined 露天矿山in Montana as in West Virginia.

4, coal from Montana is an important source of energy for the US.

6, Montana’s coal is ideal for the Fisher-Tropsch process.

Episode 3

It was first put into wide-scale大规模的 use in the when 90 percent of Luftwaffe planes ran on South Africa also turned to this process when it was isolated from独立 the international community due to its policy of .种族隔离

The Fischer-Tropsch diesel柴油, which is produced by and taking out取

用 the pollutants污染物 early on, is a superb fuel. It is not only cleaner than conventional but also leads to improved .

Emissions resulted from the Fischer-Tropsch process would be percent of what is produced with the old coal technology.

This FT process will generate carbon dioxide as crude oil 原油in use today.

Episode 4

1. What’s the population of Montana? How long has Schweitzer been in office? 2. What do some Montanans complain about Schweitzer?

3. Who are on the Northern Plains Resource Council?

4. What have been left留下 behind by mining companies矿业公司?

Toxic eyesores毒害眼睛.

Episode 5

1. What led Helen Waller to think that it would be crazy to dig up the coal in Montana? 2. What’s Waller’s argument for producing biodiesel生物柴油 in Montana?


3. Why does Schweitzer think biodiesel is not a viable solution可行的解决方案?

4. Has any company decided to fund投资 Schweitzer’s plan? Why?

5. What projections预算 does Schweitzer make about future world oil market?

Unit 7

Episode 2 ECADGBF

custody拘留- booked做笔录- grabbed抢夺- shot枪杀- kill杀死- dispatcher was shot调度员被射杀- took off离开

Episode 3

Connections between video violence and physical National

Teenage brain is not fully

Repeated exposure to violent video games has more impact on a teenager than on an adult because the of the brain is during the teenage years. This part of the brain enables people to think ahead, and manage


This diminished impulse control becomes in a person who has additional risk factors. Such as a troubled

Not every kid that plays a violent video game would because it takes a combination of risk factors.

Episode 4

1. What were Wal-Mart and GameStop sued for?

2. Who else are playing the game?

3. Why was Sony sued?

4. According to Lowerstein, what does his job defend? 5. What does a police officer say about the influence of the game on his job?

Episode 5

1. How does Paul Smith explain all the blame on the video game industry?


2. What can’t Steve Strickland understand?

3. What do Wal-Mart and GameStop card teenagers for?


4. What are several states considering?

Unit 1

Episode 2(下列没有提及的是)

1- Stealing a digital copy from仿效 the editor’s room

2- Stealing a print印刷 from companies that do subtitles副标题 or special effects.

3- bootlegging 未经许可出版品 from DVDs for sale.

Episode 3

P2P network can’t be shut down关闭 because The users for downloading its 科斯特 is just like a

use Grokster every month. Grokster is used to , movies, software and

Grokster is verdict结论 is not a mere仅仅

Rosso’s statement that he has no over what people download is merely a (遮羞布) Grokster is literally facilitating促进, allowing and helping people steal偷窃. Rosso shouldn’t be totallywith putting a stolen piece of material on his site.

Episode 4

2- Airing通风

Episode 5

1- What is the way millions of American consumers want to get their entertainment? 2- How many Americans are estimated to have downloaded file-sharing software onto their computers? 3- Instead of stopping movie downloading entirely, what will studios do?

4- What does Peter Chernin call Rosso and his likes?

5- What a fee do consumers pay to download a film from Movielink? 6-What does chernin think is a precondition前提 for Movielink to be successful?

Unit 2

Episode 2

By building an with only 130 employees 成本 of just $25 million, he ended the government’s monopoly on垄断 space travel.

The little guy had the to turn space travel into a business.

Traveling in space was a that he had when he was 12. He started with making model planes and doing . He became hooked入迷 after actually winning 品.

His airplanes are known for their , innovative design创新设计 and

Episode 3

1. When did Rutan start designing spaceships?

2. What was he able to do by the year 2000? 3. What did Rutan do after he came to realize that he could make a safe spaceship?

4. What did Paul Allen’s money mean to Rutan’s engineers?

5. How did Rutan’s engineers make the spaceship?

6. What probably inspired Rutan’s design of a new wing configuration一个新的翼外形?

Episode 4

1. J 2.A 3.CF 4. BH 5. D

Episode 5

1. According to the engineer, what has the success of Spaceship One proved?

2. What’s the deal交易 between Branson and Rutan? 3. Does Rutan think there will be a market for orbital travel轨道旅行? How do Virgin

Galactic figures bear him out维珍的数据怎么支持他?

4. What’s Rutan’s next vision下一个目标?

Unit 3

Episode 2: (下列不正确的是)

2, the Chandeleur islands香的乐群岛 are currently 60 miles away from News Orleans. 5, levees堤坝 as high as 100-foot-tall should be set up to protect the city.

6,New Orleans residents should seek refuge寻找避难 in the surrounding mountains.

Episode 3:

1. How old is Vera Fulton富尔顿? How many times has she lost her home?

2. How many generations of the Fultons live around Lizardi Street? 3. What does Irvin’s house look like now?

4. What’s the dilemma困境?

5. What’s the 100-year flood elevation洪水的海拔?

6. How many houses were uncovered by insurance没有保险的? What’s the biggest grant拨款

a family can possibly get?

Episode 4:

The levees堤坝, which have failed from or lousy讨厌的 , are now being by teams led by Colonel陆军上校 Wagenaar. Repair work will probably last until and enable the levee system to withstand抵挡 a Category 3 storm. For the levees to protect New Orleans from a storm5类风暴, the walls must be 层to 30 feet—an endeavor努力 that would cost billions of dollars.

Episode 5:

1. How did the inspectors work?

2. What information will the reports give to the city authorities?

3. Why did Centineo understand better than other officials what Katrina victims are going


4. What does “deflation通货紧缩 of the Big Easy” mean?

5. What is Meffert asking the nation国家 do?

Unit 4

Episode 2

Forged伪造 with powerful warlords and used their to drive Al-Qaeda and the Taliban out of the country.

Also turned out to be the biggest though they are part of the government, often

Is also inadequate不充分的 that it can’t pursue evidence to prove the made against the warlords. Those who are in jail are mostly .

Episode 3

1. A, G 2、E, I 3、F 4、K 5、D

Episode 4

1. What has Costa pleaded with恳求 Karzai to do?

2. What does Costa say the Afghan government should do about senior officials involved in

drug trafficking毒品交易?

3. What has been used as an excuse借口 to ignore the opium trade鸦片交易?

4. What will US troops do when they come across opium?

5. Why didn’t the US take aggressive counter narcotics actions采取激进的反毒品行动?

Episode 5

1. What’s the modest success the Afghan government has achieved in its effort to eradicate


2. What were the farmers of Kushkak promised? 3. How do the Taliban and Al-Qaeda benefit from drug trafficking?

4. What does Charles say about the importance of counter反击 narcotics? What needs to be


一个等级 that is commensurate with the threat it poses与它构成一个相等的威胁.

Unit 5

Episode 2

There’s long been a debate about how much global warming is earth’s and how much is . Evidence against humans, however, is now available due to the 35 Mayewski made into the arctic北极 and the deep he collected from glaciers. Mayewski’s research suggests that the ice and the atmosphere have man’s all over them. Human activity like , releasing and other greenhouse gases has contributed to a temperature rise that has not been seen for several years. So much greenhouse gas is in the air already that the planet would continue to even if all cars, trucks and power plants are stopped tomorrow.

Episode 3

2- More cyclones in the pacific飓风在太平洋

3- Heat waves in Europe热浪在欧洲

4- Worse hurricanes in the US.飓风在美国

Episode 4

1- What does the word “arctic” mean in ancient Greek?

2- What’s Nick Lunn’s research about?

3- What does he use to take down a bear?

4- Why did Lunn begin his study at the Wapusk National Park? 5- What does Lunn’s record through his annual checkup年度审查?

6-why is a complete loss of ice in summer a threat to the survival of polar bears?

Episode 5

1- what did skeptics say about climate change气候变化 projections推算?

2- Why does Mayewski say they owe感激 the skeptics a vote of thanks? 3- According to the correspondent通信记者, why did the Bush administration refuse to sign the treaty?

4- What does Corell say his job is?

Unit 6

Episode 2: (下列不正确的是)

1, coal is surface mined 露天矿山in Montana as in West Virginia.

4, coal from Montana is an important source of energy for the US.

6, Montana’s coal is ideal for the Fisher-Tropsch process.

Episode 3

It was first put into wide-scale大规模的 use in the when 90 percent of Luftwaffe planes ran on South Africa also turned to this process when it was isolated from独立 the international community due to its policy of .种族隔离

The Fischer-Tropsch diesel柴油, which is produced by and taking out取

用 the pollutants污染物 early on, is a superb fuel. It is not only cleaner than conventional but also leads to improved .

Emissions resulted from the Fischer-Tropsch process would be percent of what is produced with the old coal technology.

This FT process will generate carbon dioxide as crude oil 原油in use today.

Episode 4

1. What’s the population of Montana? How long has Schweitzer been in office? 2. What do some Montanans complain about Schweitzer?

3. Who are on the Northern Plains Resource Council?

4. What have been left留下 behind by mining companies矿业公司?

Toxic eyesores毒害眼睛.

Episode 5

1. What led Helen Waller to think that it would be crazy to dig up the coal in Montana? 2. What’s Waller’s argument for producing biodiesel生物柴油 in Montana?


3. Why does Schweitzer think biodiesel is not a viable solution可行的解决方案?

4. Has any company decided to fund投资 Schweitzer’s plan? Why?

5. What projections预算 does Schweitzer make about future world oil market?

Unit 7

Episode 2 ECADGBF

custody拘留- booked做笔录- grabbed抢夺- shot枪杀- kill杀死- dispatcher was shot调度员被射杀- took off离开

Episode 3

Connections between video violence and physical National

Teenage brain is not fully

Repeated exposure to violent video games has more impact on a teenager than on an adult because the of the brain is during the teenage years. This part of the brain enables people to think ahead, and manage


This diminished impulse control becomes in a person who has additional risk factors. Such as a troubled

Not every kid that plays a violent video game would because it takes a combination of risk factors.

Episode 4

1. What were Wal-Mart and GameStop sued for?

2. Who else are playing the game?

3. Why was Sony sued?

4. According to Lowerstein, what does his job defend? 5. What does a police officer say about the influence of the game on his job?

Episode 5

1. How does Paul Smith explain all the blame on the video game industry?


2. What can’t Steve Strickland understand?

3. What do Wal-Mart and GameStop card teenagers for?


4. What are several states considering?


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